Applied with our proven hands-on approach, the Lean Focus Business System™ utilizes a series of structured processes, principles, and tools that will give your business the organizational and cultural infrastructure it takes to deliver sustained, profitable growth. It’s what we call a high-performance culture. To learn more about how each element of the system impacts your business, explore our interactive diagram below. To see the system in action,  get in touch.

Innovation & Growth System


An immersive four-day “Customer Segmentation” workshop designed to equip you with indispensable skills for understanding and leveraging diverse market segments. Through a dynamic mix of theory and hands-on activities, participants will delve into the nuances of segmentation, from uncovering insights to crafting competitive advantages. Each day offers a deep exploration into segmentation criteria, dimensions, and sizing, from initial ideation to rigorous verification of segment effectiveness. With a strategic emphasis on prioritization and optimization, attendees will depart with a robust segmentation strategy poised to guide critical organizational functions, including strategy planning and sales and marketing initiatives. Don’t miss this opportunity to refine your segmentation approach and gain a competitive edge in today’s dynamic market landscape.

Embark on a strategic journey with our comprehensive “Strategic Planning” workshop, spanning seven meticulously crafted sessions designed to define your organization’s direction and optimize resource allocation. From an initial kickoff session to align on target segmentations and review prior initiatives, participants progress through deep dives into external drivers, gap analysis, and strategic initiatives. Under expert coaching and support, attendees refine segmentations, develop strategic plans, and craft draft presentations. Through strategic walkthroughs and financial reviews, teams identify gaps and finalize deployment plans. Rooted in data-driven processes and clear objectives, strategic planning empowers organizations to make integrated choices that secure sustainable advantages over rivals. Don’t miss this opportunity to chart your course to success and gain a competitive edge in your industry.

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Unlock the full potential of your Intellectual Property (I.P.) with our immersive four-day “I.P. Strategy Deployment” Kaizen Workshop, specifically tailored for engineers and developers. From patent search to application, this workshop provides participants with the essential tools to navigate the entire I.P. landscape and safeguard rights throughout the product development lifecycle. Through a comprehensive agenda encompassing Kaizen training, Freedom to Operate (FTO) analysis, idea disclosures, and patent application processes, attendees gain invaluable insights into cultivating a robust I.P. portfolio. Key highlights include establishing a Patent Steering Committee and aligning technology, I.P., and product roadmaps to gain strategic advantage. By mastering the management and measurement of the I.P. funnel, participants will be empowered to drive innovation and secure a sustainable competitive edge.

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Unlock the potential of your organization’s technology initiatives with our dynamic “Technology Roadmap” workshop spanning three to five days. Through a blend of strategic alignment, resource optimization, and continuous improvement principles, participants will assess and refine existing technology roadmaps to align with business objectives and market trends. By the end of this immersive workshop, you’ll walk away with a comprehensive and adaptable Technology Roadmap that serves as a strategic guidepost for achieving your technological goals, driving innovation, and ensuring sustained success in a rapidly evolving landscape. Don’t miss this chance to leverage technology as a catalyst for growth and competitive advantage in your organization.

“Product Roadmap” kaizen workshop, spanning 3 to 5 days, is designed to unlock the power of strategic alignment and resource optimization, driving revenue growth and maximizing impact in your organization. Through cross-functional collaboration, Kaizen Principles, and a relentless focus on continuous improvement, participants will assess and enhance existing product roadmaps to align seamlessly with business objectives and market dynamics. By the conclusion of the workshop, you’ll emerge equipped with a refined and dynamic Product Roadmap, serving as a strategic blueprint for achieving your business goals, fostering collaboration, and ensuring sustained success in product development. Don’t miss this invaluable opportunity to chart your path to top-line growth and optimize your product development strategy for maximum impact.

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Unlock the full potential of your strategic plan with our immersive five-day “Strategy Deployment” workshop. Crafted to transform your strategic vision into actionable initiatives and tangible outcomes, this workshop guides participants through a comprehensive process of understanding improvement priorities, setting measurable targets, and developing robust action plans. From mastering the mechanics and tools of Strategy Deployment to cultivating breakthrough objectives and improvement priorities, each day offers deep insights and practical tools to drive success. By the workshop’s conclusion, participants will have crafted Level 1 and Level 2 matrices, formulated actionable plans, and established leadership review processes, ensuring alignment with top-level strategic objectives and fostering long-term competitive advantage. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by—join us to elevate your strategic planning process and propel sustainable growth within your organization.

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Join us for a dynamic five-day “Innovation Function Rapid Assessment” workshop, meticulously designed to elevate your organization’s innovation capabilities to unprecedented levels. Through a strategic fusion of data analysis, stakeholder interviews, and interactive exercises, participants will gain profound insights into the strengths and opportunities within their innovation processes. From scrutinizing performance metrics against industry benchmarks to fostering creative ideation sessions and prioritizing improvement areas, each day provides a structured framework for fostering innovation excellence. By the workshop’s culmination, attendees will depart with a comprehensive assessment report and a tailored roadmap for enhancement, empowering them to execute projects with precision, efficiency, and alignment with customer expectations. Don’t let this opportunity slip away—join us to unleash the full potential of your innovation function and realize tangible, sustainable results.

Join us for a dynamic two-day “Product Portfolio Management” workshop, designed to empower senior leaders to drive optimal returns on innovation investments and maximize the value of your product portfolio. Through an engaging blend of theory, real-world case studies, and hands-on exercises, participants will gain invaluable insights into reviewing major projects at critical milestones, dynamically allocating resources, and measuring innovation metrics to close gaps and fuel growth. By the workshop’s conclusion, senior leaders will be armed with the tools and expertise necessary to enhance customer value, satisfaction, and growth within their innovation teams. Seize this opportunity to streamline your product portfolio management process and unleash the full potential of your innovation investments.

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Embark on a transformative four-day “User Workflow Discovery” workshop, where teams embark on a journey to deeply understand user experiences and unearth invaluable insights to drive product development. Through a meticulously structured process, self-directed teams will immerse themselves in user observations and interviews, extracting hundreds of insights and culminating in the identification of the most pressing problems that new products must solve. From the kickoff session to the final report-out, participants will be equipped with a transparent and structured framework for selecting the optimal user segments and workflows, distilling critical insights, and ultimately delivering innovative solutions that delight customers. Don’t miss this invaluable opportunity to elevate your understanding of user needs and drive product development initiatives that resonate deeply with your target audience.

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Immerse yourself in a dynamic five-day “Design Thinking” Kaizen Workshop, where cross-functional teams unite to innovate customer-centric designs that captivate and delight users. Through the synergy of developers and customer-facing personnel, participants embark on a journey to craft solutions within a week, ready to be tested with real customers and users. From establishing guiding principles to fine-tuning prototypes based on invaluable user feedback, each day unfolds with profound insights and hands-on exercises aimed at fostering innovation. By the workshop’s conclusion, teams will have validated value propositions with customers, pinpointed crucial use cases, and developed prototypes primed for further refinement and development. Seize this invaluable opportunity to revolutionize your design process and craft solutions that authentically resonate with your target audience.

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A three-day “Project Requirements Kaizen” Workshop, where we’ll equip you with the tools to define project requirements spanning users, customers, and your organization. Through a meticulously structured process, participants will collaborate to craft a unified project definition, establishing clear investment and return expectations while guarding against scope creep and minimizing confusion. From discerning customer needs to delineating project tasks and estimating revenue, each day is brimming with practical exercises and profound insights to ensure project success. By the workshop’s culmination, attendees will emerge with a meticulously outlined project plan that seamlessly aligns with core values, fosters enhanced team collaboration, and meticulously tracks finances for effective metrics. Seize this invaluable opportunity to elevate your project management process and pave the way for success through clarity, precision, and cohesive teamwork.

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The “Lean Phase-Gate System”, is a structured approach meticulously designed to streamline development processes and ensure projects meet organizational needs with precision and efficiency. Spanning five intensive days, participants dive deep into the system, commencing with an engaging introduction and kickoff event. Through a series of immersive workshops, they meticulously examine the current state of the process, identify areas of waste, and meticulously map out the complete process flow. Detailed analyses of phase flow and deliverables ensue, culminating in the creation of a comprehensive process plan. By actively involving cross-functional teams in both the development and maintenance of the system, the Lean Phase-Gate process guarantees alignment with the diverse needs of stakeholders, serving as a singular point of truth. This approach eradicates confusion and paves the path for project outcomes that are consistently on-time, on-budget, and precisely on-spec.

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A 3 to 5 day “Innovation Visual Project Management” workshop, is specially curated for product launch projects navigating the intricate new product phase gate process. Throughout this immersive experience, participants will master the art of crafting a unified project definition, setting precise investment expectations, and thwarting scope creep through meticulously structured exercises. From unraveling intricate customer needs to accurately forecasting revenue streams, each day promises profound insights essential for project triumph. Depart with a meticulously detailed project plan intricately aligned with core values and primed to foster enhanced team collaboration. Revolutionize your project management approach with unparalleled clarity, precision, and collective teamwork, ensuring resounding success at every turn. Don’t let this opportunity for transformative success pass you by.

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“Failure Mode & Effects Analysis (FMEA) Kaizen” Workshop, spanning 3 to 5 dynamic days of comprehensive cross-functional review aimed at enhancing reliability and elevating customer satisfaction. Throughout this structured journey, participants will delve into component function, identify potential failure modes, and meticulously evaluate severity, occurrence likelihood, and detection measures. This transformative workshop empowers teams to strategically select areas for design enhancement and develop sustainable processes for ongoing improvement. By prioritizing potential failures and implementing robust risk mitigation strategies, organizations can bolster product reliability, heighten competitiveness, and ultimately deliver unparalleled customer satisfaction. Don’t miss this opportunity to strengthen your design or process and cement your competitive advantage in the market.

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Discover the transformative power of “Value Analysis / Value Engineering (VA/VE) Kaizen” in our immersive five-day workshop, where participants embark on a structured journey to achieve significant cost savings while preserving essential functions, yielding remarkable ROI ratios ranging from 20:1 to 50:1. Beginning with an in-depth introduction and overview, attendees engage in a comprehensive exploration of VA/VE methodology. Through interactive workshops, they navigate product familiarization, pinpoint redundant functions, and employ FAST diagrams to brainstorm innovative cost reduction strategies. By rigorously evaluating proposals and crafting final presentations, participants strike an optimal balance between function, performance, quality, safety, and cost. This workshop not only enhances product quality and elevates customer experience but also cultivates a culture of creative problem-solving, driving the attainment of functions at the most economical cost.

Learn more about Value Analysis / Value Engineering (VA/VE) Kaizen

A “Production Preparation Process (3P) Kaizen” workshop, where lean manufacturing and product development principles converge to expedite the delivery of newly developed products to the market. Spanning five days, cross-functional teams immerse themselves in a hands-on approach to sculpt optimal product concepts and production processes. From rigorous product evaluation to precise criteria definition and prototype development, participants endeavor to infuse quality into both product and process, thereby hastening time-to-market and curbing overall costs. By integrating design for manufacturability and lean manufacturing practices, this workshop ensures the creation of high-quality products that seamlessly align with customer needs, driving efficiency and efficacy in production.

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The “Design for Reliability (DFR) Kaizen” Workshop, is a transformative five-day journey aimed at bolstering product reliability through meticulous design strategies. This comprehensive workshop introduces participants to the foundational principles of reliability engineering and identifies critical technical domains on day one. Days two and three are dedicated to intensive collaboration, as teams craft robust design guidelines and conduct rigorous risk assessments to preempt potential failure modes. Day four marks the construction and evaluation of prototypes against stringent criteria, facilitating refinement and optimization efforts. The workshop culminates in a thorough review of achievements, including the capture of actionable insights and the crafting of a comprehensive kaizen report elucidating key findings and recommendations for sustaining reliability enhancements. Through this immersive experience, organizations acquire the tools and methodologies essential for crafting products that surpass reliability benchmarks, driving unparalleled customer satisfaction.

The “Design for Manufacturing (DFM) Kaizen” Workshop, is a targeted three-day workshop designed to optimize your organization’s manufacturing processes through the development of critical design guidelines. In this structured event, participants embark on a journey of discovery, identifying subject matter experts and delineating technical needs on day one. Days two and three are dedicated to dynamic ideation sessions, where collaborative efforts yield design guidelines for pivotal areas, seamlessly integrated into your Phase-Gate System. A real-world “test run” during live reviews ensures the viability and efficacy of these guidelines, complemented by the establishment of sustainable processes for their ongoing utilization. By workshop’s end, your organization will have erected a sturdy framework encompassing manufacturing, procurement, quality, and reliability, elevating operational efficiency and elevating product quality to new heights.

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Embark on a transformative journey with our four-day “Continuous User Feedback” Kaizen Workshop, where we’ll equip you with the tools to validate product value propositions before launch through ongoing user engagement. Throughout this immersive experience, participants will cultivate cross-functional collaboration to ensure customer delight, proactively identifying and addressing product gaps for swift resolution. From meticulous planning and execution to dynamic problem-solving and comprehensive launch review, each day offers hands-on exercises and profound insights aimed at propelling product success. By the workshop’s conclusion, participants will emerge empowered to amplify value propositions through customer-driven development, ensuring customers are delighted from day one with robust, vetted offerings. Seize this opportunity to harness continuous user feedback and drive innovation that consistently exceeds customer expectations.

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Join us for an impactful five-day “Launch Readiness” Kaizen Workshop, where we’ll guide you through the critical steps to ensure the successful introduction of your new products. Throughout this immersive workshop, participants will cultivate cross-functional collaboration to deliver the necessary commercial assets for a seamless launch, ensuring all customer-facing functions are primed for day one success. From mastering the guiding principles of Lean to conducting a thorough assessment of the current state and implementing a six-step launch readiness process, each day offers hands-on exercises and profound insights to drive product success. By the workshop’s conclusion, participants will be empowered to continuously measure launch effectiveness and implement targeted problem-solving strategies to address any gaps. Don’t miss this opportunity to leverage the Launch Readiness Kaizen Workshop and ensure your new products not only meet but exceed customer expectations, achieving revenue targets and fostering reliable growth.

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Join us for an engaging three-day “Launch Control Room” workshop designed to facilitate the seamless introduction of your new products. In this immersive experience, participants will learn how to establish a virtual or physical control room dedicated to ensuring launch success. The workshop will underscore the significance of continuously monitoring customer response and operational performance to swiftly address any emerging issues. By fostering a problem-solving environment with defined goals and clear calls-to-action, participants will be equipped to navigate unexpected challenges with real-time countermeasures. Don’t miss this opportunity to leverage lean principles, track operational performance, and respond effectively to customer feedback, ensuring the success of your new product launches while driving revenue growth.

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Our comprehensive five-day “Sustainment Engineering Toolkit” workshop, meticulously designed to arm participants with the tools and strategies essential for optimizing product performance and longevity. Throughout this immersive experience, attendees will explore various facets of sustainment engineering, delving into reliability, maintainability, and supportability. Through interactive activities and real-world case studies, participants will master the art of assessing and enhancing product lifecycles, ensuring continued alignment with customer needs and expectations. By the workshop’s conclusion, attendees will possess a robust toolkit and actionable insights to drive sustained success in engineering and product development initiatives. Don’t overlook this invaluable opportunity to elevate your organization’s approach to product sustainment and elevate customer satisfaction to new heights.

An immersive five-day “Rapid Growth Assessment” workshop tailored to turbocharge your organization’s revenue and efficiency. Through a strategic fusion of pre-consultations, in-depth analysis, and hands-on activities, participants will gain profound insights into growth and enhancement opportunities spanning all facets of the business. From dissecting business functions into strategic pillars to executing functional audits and crafting a Growth Transformation Plan, each day unfolds a structured pathway toward unlocking fresh revenue streams and amplifying customer satisfaction. By the workshop’s culmination, attendees will depart armed with a comprehensive Growth Bridge Action Plan, spotlighting short-term, medium-term, and long-term growth avenues. Seize this pivotal opportunity to propel rapid growth and transformation within your organization, prioritizing quantifiable ROI and actionable strategies at every turn.

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An engaging three-day workshop on “Strategic Pricing”, where we’ll explore the nuances of pricing strategy to optimize margins and fuel business expansion. Through a structured 6-step process, participants will delve into the development of systematic pricing plans tailored to three key levels: Industry, Product/Market, and Transactional. From initial data gathering and analysis to detailed implementation planning and rollout, each stage is meticulously crafted to uncover pricing opportunities and prioritize them for maximum impact. By the workshop’s conclusion, attendees will depart armed with actionable tactics to elevate pricing strategy across all business domains, enhancing insights and mitigating sources of margin erosion. Don’t pass up this opportunity to harness the full potential of pricing as a potent driver of commercial success.

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A hands-on, five-day workshop on “Sales Funnel Management”, where we’ll guide you through the process of establishing key metrics to optimize your sales funnel’s health. Through a structured approach, participants will gain the skills to develop predictable and repeatable sales processes while identifying and addressing challenges across the sales lifecycle. From mastering the fundamentals of funnel management to mapping current sales processes and implementing effective funnel setups, each day offers practical exercises and profound insights to elevate your sales strategy. By the workshop’s conclusion, attendees will have implemented a cadence, agenda, and standard procedures for funnel reviews, empowering them to drive revenue growth and achieve tangible results. Don’t miss this chance to gain invaluable insights into your sales performance, enhance lead quality and speed to close, and strategically guide your marketing and sales teams through data-driven approaches.

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Join us for a dynamic three-day Kaizen workshop focused on “Value Selling,” aimed at empowering your sales team to effectively communicate and showcase the unique value proposition of your products or services to customers. Through a blend of interactive sessions and hands-on exercises, participants will master proven techniques to identify and articulate the value drivers that resonate with customers. Day one will lay the foundation by exploring the principles of value selling and defining your unique value proposition. On day two, we’ll dive into customer needs analysis and crafting value-based messaging, while day three will emphasize practical application through role-playing scenarios to solidify learning. By the workshop’s conclusion, your team will possess the skills and confidence to engage customers in meaningful conversations, differentiate your offerings, and enhance deal-closing effectiveness. Seize this opportunity to revolutionize your sales approach and drive greater success in capturing customer value.

Supply Chain & Operations System


Immerse yourself in a transformative three-day Kaizen workshop dedicated to fostering a “Behavior-Based Safety (BBS) Culture” within your organization. This immersive program offers hands-on exploration of the principles and practices of BBS, designed to cultivate heightened awareness of workplace safety among employees. Through safety observations led by trained observers, participants will be empowered to prioritize their safety and that of their peers, fostering a proactive approach to risk mitigation. Throughout the workshop, attendees will learn to recognize both safe and unsafe behaviors and conditions, providing constructive feedback to drive positive change. By promoting open dialogue and collaboration, our aim is to establish a culture of safety consciousness and continuous improvement. Join us on this journey to elevate safety standards and enhance employee well-being.

A dynamic five-day journey with our “EH&S Risk Kaizen” workshop, designed to empower participants to assess and mitigate environmental, health, and safety risks within their organization. Through hands-on activities and interactive sessions, attendees will utilize a comprehensive 35-point risk assessment framework to systematically identify potential hazards and exposures across various categories. Prioritizing risks based on their likelihood of occurrence and potential impact, participants will collaboratively develop actionable plans for effective risk mitigation and ongoing monitoring. Join us for this immersive workshop to enhance your organization’s risk management practices and cultivate a safer and healthier work environment for all.

An immersive five-day journey through our “Energy & Waste Saver Kaizen” workshop, where participants will engage in hands-on activities aimed at boosting energy efficiency and curbing waste within their organization. By conducting a thorough energy/waste audit, attendees will meticulously assess energy consumption and waste generation across various areas of the facility. Through this process, they’ll pinpoint opportunities for improvement, promising significant savings in both energy usage and costs. Whether targeting the entire site or specific processes, this workshop will equip participants to identify and implement measures that drive enhanced energy efficiency and waste reduction. Don’t miss this chance to optimize your organization’s resource utilization and contribute to a sustainable future.

A three-day “Gemba Walks & Layered Process Audits” Kaizen workshop, is aimed at empowering organizations to bolster safety measures, mitigate workplace hazards, and optimize processes. At the heart of this workshop lies the concept of Layered Process Audits (LPAs), engaging all employees in the auditing process to validate preventive measures and spot potential hazards. Supervisors conduct frequent audits within their respective areas, while higher-level managers extend their oversight to broader domains less regularly. Through integrated corrective and preventative actions executed during or immediately post-audit, LPAs empower organizations to take charge of their processes, reduce accidents, and enhance both the work environment and financial performance.

In our comprehensive five-day “Job Safety Analysis (JSA) & Kaizen” workshop, we dive deep into integrating safety and health principles into job operations while making physical workplace improvements. A JSA meticulously breaks down each step of a job, identifying potential hazards and recommending the safest practices. Also known as a job hazard analysis (JHA) or job hazard breakdown, this methodology emphasizes safety as a fundamental aspect of every task, not just a separate concern. Throughout the workshop, participants will broaden their analysis beyond safety, considering all facets of the job. By the end of the workshop, attendees will possess the tools and knowledge to conduct thorough JSAs, ensuring the health and safety of all personnel while optimizing job efficiency. Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your organization’s safety culture and foster a workplace environment focused on well-being, productivity, and physical improvements.


Our immersive five-day “Total Quality Management (TQM)” Kaizen workshop represents a comprehensive approach to fostering a culture of continuous improvement, empowering every employee to elevate their skills and contribute to delivering products and services that surpass customer expectations. This workshop emphasizes the holistic commitment of all departments, extending beyond production to encompass areas such as sales, marketing, finance, and design. Through interactive sessions and hands-on exercises, participants will delve into the principles and practices of TQM, covering aspects like funding, training, staffing, and goal setting. By the workshop’s conclusion, attendees will emerge equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to drive sustainable quality enhancements across all facets of their organization. This approach ensures long-term success and customer satisfaction by fostering a culture centered on operational excellence and customer-centricity.

Embark on a five-day journey toward operational excellence with our immersive “Built-In Quality System (BIQS)” Kaizen workshop. BIQS transcends mere process; it represents a systematic approach aimed at ensuring that your operations consistently surpass the quality standards expected by your customers. Throughout this workshop, your team will engage in a thorough assessment of current state processes, brainstorm innovative improvements, and implement strategies to infuse quality into every facet of your operations. With an unwavering focus on sustainability and repeatability, participants will collaborate to craft a tailored BIQS framework embraced by all associates. By the workshop’s conclusion, your organization will be armed with the tools and methodologies needed to uphold quality standards with unwavering confidence, fostering enduring success and customer satisfaction.

Join us for our “Mistake Proofing & Jidoka Kaizen” Workshop, a comprehensive five-day hands-on experience that delves deeply into the principles of mistake-proofing, also known as poka yoke, and Jidoka. Participants will be guided in creating a work environment engineered to prevent errors and ensure seamless operations. Throughout the workshop, we explore the immediate halt of work upon problem detection, a key aspect of Jidoka, to prevent defects from spreading downstream. Attendees will systematically identify areas for improvement within their processes and develop strategies to reduce or eliminate mistakes. By the program’s conclusion, participants will emerge equipped with the knowledge and tools to implement robust mistake-proofing mechanisms and embrace the principles of Jidoka, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and operational excellence within their organizations.

Uncover the transformative power of the “Variation Reduction Kaizen (VRK)” workshop—a comprehensive five-day program designed to minimize defects, boost operational efficiency, and enhance customer satisfaction. Throughout this immersive experience, participants will explore the nuances of process variation, conducting meticulous observations and prioritizing areas for improvement. Engaging in hands-on activities and collaborative brainstorming sessions, attendees will craft innovative solutions to eradicate root causes of variation and streamline process workflows. From optimizing physical layouts to implementing standardized work instructions, this workshop empowers participants to enact tangible enhancements in quality and operational performance. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement and proactive problem-solving, the VRK workshop equips organizations with the tools and strategies necessary to achieve sustained success and exceed customer expectations.

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Our immersive 5-day workshop, “Creating Level Pull,” meticulously crafted to revolutionize your production processes and elevate operational efficiency. Throughout this hands-on experience, participants will navigate the complexities of inventory management, mastering the delicate balance between supply and demand to optimize outcomes. Engaging in interactive sessions and real-world simulations, attendees will gain expertise in aligning production capacity with customer needs, implementing kanban systems, and streamlining material handling procedures. From orchestrating upstream production control to extending pull systems facility-wide, each day offers pragmatic insights and actionable strategies for advancement. By the workshop’s conclusion, participants will have acquired a comprehensive toolkit and refined techniques to sustain and enhance pull systems continually, driving profitability, ensuring punctual deliveries, and minimizing operational expenses.

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Dive into the realm of efficient material handling with our immersive 3-day workshop, “Making Materials Flow.” This intensive program is meticulously crafted to streamline material handling processes, trim operating costs, and elevate on-time delivery performance for customers. Throughout the workshop, participants will delve deep into lean material-handling principles, mastering the development of a comprehensive Plan for Every Part (PFEP) and harnessing the effectiveness of PFEP templates. Day two is dedicated to creating a robust purchased-parts market, optimizing delivery routes, and mastering information management systems. The final day culminates in a dynamic lean material-handling simulation, offering hands-on insights into sustaining and enhancing lean material-handling systems. Through a systematic, 10-step process, participants will glean invaluable knowledge on maintaining PFEP integrity, determining optimal inventory levels, and maximizing space utilization.

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Our immersive 5-day kaizen workshop, “Dynamic Kanban & PFEP, is meticulously designed to revolutionize inventory management. Dive deep into the principles of dynamic Kanban and PFEP, unlocking pathways to best-in-class on-time delivery, operational cost reduction, and optimized inventory investment. Through a blend of comprehensive training sessions and hands-on activities such as Kanban simulations and Gemba tours, participants will embark on a journey of discovery, conducting current state assessments and data analysis. Engage in collaborative sessions aimed at crafting replenishment strategies, deploying Kanban methodologies, and fine-tuning operations for maximum efficiency.

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Dive into the world of “Heijunka” (Level Loading) with our immersive 5-day hands-on kaizen workshop, designed to revolutionize manufacturing operations. Throughout the structured agenda, participants will explore the core principles of Heijunka, emphasizing level loading to amplify customer satisfaction, streamline supply chain operations, and optimize asset utilization. From scrutinizing current production states to collaboratively mapping out future states, attendees engage in data-driven decision-making and hands-on activities aimed at implementing Heijunka principles effectively. Through pilot implementations, continuous monitoring, and kaizen events, teams fine-tune production flows, standardize processes, and meticulously document standard work procedures. As the workshop draws to a close, participants reflect on their transformative journey, evaluate successes, and devise plans for ongoing monitoring and maintenance, armed with newfound insights and strategies for sustained improvement.

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Our immersive 5-day hands-on kaizen workshop, aptly titled “SIOP Process,” is aimed at optimizing operational efficiency and boosting profitability. This workshop offers a deep dive into the intricate workings of Sales, Inventory, and Operations Planning (SIOP). Throughout the agenda, participants undergo comprehensive training on SIOP principles and practices, conducting meticulous reviews and mapping of current practices to pinpoint areas ripe for enhancement. Through a blend of self-evaluation and collaborative sessions, teams identify gaps and opportunities in demand and supply planning, crafting robust data structures and strategic approaches. As the workshop draws to a close, participants engage in pre-SIOP and executive meetings to fine-tune approaches and action plans, armed with the tools and insights to implement a rigorous SIOP process seamlessly aligning sales, marketing, finance, and operations functions. With the ability to capture outstanding action items and deliver comprehensive kaizen reports, your organization is empowered to achieve best-in-class on-time delivery, reduced operational costs, and heightened revenue and profitability.

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“Capacity Analysis” offers a comprehensive one-day workshop tailored to provide participants with the essential tools and knowledge to optimize manufacturing capacity. Through a blend of theoretical understanding and practical application, attendees delve into key capacity metrics, identifying bottlenecks and constraints through hands-on activities and real-world case studies. Interactive exercises and group discussions facilitate the exploration of capacity improvement strategies, incorporating Lean manufacturing principles for heightened efficiency. By the workshop’s conclusion, participants craft personalized action plans to address capacity gaps within their manufacturing processes, ensuring readiness to propel future growth and productivity.

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Discover the essential principles and practices driving effective inventory management in our comprehensive two-day workshop on the “Fundamentals of Inventory Management.” Through a blend of theoretical discussions and practical exercises, participants will delve into the intricacies of SQDIP (Safety, Quality, Delivery, Inventory, and Productivity), understanding how each component influences inventory operations. Dive deep into inventory classification methods, such as ABC classification and Excess & Obsolete (E&O) inventory management, and learn to analyze delivery and material cause-and-effect diagrams to identify improvement opportunities. Explore inventory behavior patterns, including the sawtooth curve, and examine the impact of supply and demand variations on inventory levels. Gain valuable insights into replenishment methods like Plan for Every Part, Material Requirements Planning (MRP), and kanban systems, and understand how inventory integrates within the broader value stream map. By the workshop’s end, participants will emerge equipped with practical tools and knowledge to optimize inventory practices, drive operational efficiency, and foster continuous improvement within their organizations.

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The “Rapid Plant Analysis” process offers a comprehensive and efficient method for diagnosing manufacturing operations. Spanning five to ten days, our expert team conducts a thorough assessment of your plant’s operations, utilizing techniques like value stream mapping, data analysis, floor observations, and management reviews. Through this meticulous process, we pinpoint key areas for improvement, develop a roadmap for implementation, and quantify potential cost savings. Embracing lean principles and tools, our goal is to minimize costs, lead times, and inventory levels while enhancing customer service. Importantly, our collaborative approach prioritizes knowledge transfer, empowering your team to execute identified projects and sustain improvements long after the analysis concludes. With Rapid Plant Analysis, streamline your operations, enhance efficiency, and foster continuous improvement across your organization.

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“Footprint rationalization” represents a strategic analysis approach custom-tailored for manufacturers aiming to optimize their global manufacturing footprint. This method meticulously scrutinizes every aspect of a manufacturer’s operational geography, identifying inefficiencies, redundancies, and unexplored opportunities. By examining manufacturing locations, shipping routes, and customer distribution, the goal of footprint rationalization is to streamline operations, improve cost-effectiveness, and elevate customer satisfaction. The duration of this approach varies based on the complexity of the client’s footprint, with the assessment process finely tuned to suit the unique needs and intricacies of each manufacturing landscape. Through a thorough evaluation and targeted recommendations, footprint rationalization empowers manufacturers to make well-informed decisions, driving efficiency, agility, and competitiveness in the global marketplace.

“Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)” represents a comprehensive strategy aimed at maximizing Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), prolonging equipment lifespan, and bolstering productivity and quality. In this interactive 5-day workshop, participants delve deeply into TPM’s fundamental principles and practices, empowering them to actively participate in equipment maintenance and enhancement endeavors. Through a meticulously structured agenda, attendees explore critical concepts such as the pillars of TPM, OEE, and the 6 Big Losses, alongside autonomous and planned maintenance, and strategic critical parts inventory planning. The workshop underscores the significance of engaging all staff members in TPM initiatives, from operators to managers, fostering a culture of proactive equipment care and continual improvement. Upon workshop completion, participants will possess a robust grasp of TPM principles and will be equipped with actionable strategies to seamlessly integrate TPM into their organizations, ensuring enduring improvements in efficiency, safety, and product quality.

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The “Setup Reduction” Kaizen Workshop is a dynamic 5-day program designed to revolutionize your manufacturing setup processes, driving efficiency, agility, and competitiveness. Through a comprehensive agenda, participants will delve into the principles and practices of setup reduction, aiming to minimize downtime and maximize productivity. The workshop kicks off with an immersive training overview followed by hands-on simulations and gemba tours to identify current state observations and potential improvement opportunities. Over the next days, participants will prioritize waste reduction initiatives, implement layout and setup improvements, and develop standardized setup procedures. By the end of the workshop, attendees will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to streamline setup operations, reduce lead times, and enhance overall performance, ensuring sustained gains in cost, quality, and delivery metrics.

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The “Creating Continuous Flow” workshop is a comprehensive 5-day program designed to transform your manufacturing operations into streamlined, efficient processes. Through a structured agenda, participants will embark on a journey to establish continuous flow, driving faster lead times, lower operational costs, and improved process flexibility. The workshop begins with an in-depth Lean overview, exploring waste reduction principles and simulation exercises to lay the foundation. Over the following days, attendees will dive into the intricacies of work distribution, layout optimization, and setup reduction, utilizing games and hands-on activities to reinforce learning. Topics such as connecting to the customer, regulating flow, and implementing Heijunka principles are also covered to ensure alignment with business objectives and customer demands. By the end of the workshop, participants will have developed a Lean Factory Conversion Roadmap, complete with benchmark scorecards, flow analysis charts, and value stream maps, enabling them to sustain and continuously improve their newly established continuous flow processes.

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The “Lean Transformation Boot Camp” is a comprehensive and immersive program designed to accelerate your organization’s journey towards lean manufacturing excellence. Over the course of five intensive days, participants will delve into the core principles of lean transformation and apply them directly to a designated work area. Through a structured agenda, attendees will learn to identify value, map value streams, create flow, establish pull systems, and embrace continuous improvement practices. Each day will be filled with interactive sessions, including hands-on exercises such as try-storming cellular designs and implementing standard work protocols. By the end of the boot camp, participants will not only have a deep understanding of lean principles but will also have tangible skills and strategies to drive meaningful change within their organizations.

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The 3 day, hands-on “Procurement Savings Boot Camp” offers a strategic approach to unlocking cost savings, enhancing supplier relationships, and streamlining sourcing strategies. This intensive program utilizes a 6-step process to optimize procurement and sourcing, focusing on improving cost-efficiency and supplier collaboration. Participants will undergo thorough analysis, including supplier ABC analysis, commodity trends assessment, and supplier evaluation, to identify opportunities for savings and efficiency improvements. Unlike conventional sourcing events, this boot camp emphasizes a holistic approach that considers factors such as viability, quality, delivery, inventory, risk, and overall cost of ownership. By equipping participants with enhanced negotiation skills and actionable strategies, the boot camp empowers procurement teams to drive significant cost savings while maintaining strong supplier partnerships and mitigating risks. Through hands-on exercises and real-world case studies, attendees will develop a comprehensive understanding of procurement best practices and leave with practical tools to implement immediate improvements in their organizations.

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Our Procurement Function Rapid Assessment is a targeted five-day service designed to transform your procurement team into a strategic business partner, optimizing operations to reduce costs and enhance supplier performance. Through a detailed agenda that includes task evaluations, tools and strategies reviews, and performance assessments, we offer a comprehensive analysis and actionable recommendations. This process involves in-person interviews, leveraging standardized methodologies against industry best practices to identify gaps in 8 functional categories, and providing a prioritized roadmap for improvement. The assessment culminates in a management report outlining a procurement project list and savings summary, offering a clear path to achieving best-in-class status and realizing significant organizational growth.

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Leadership System


The “Mission, Vision, Values Development Workshop”, is a 3-day hands-on event designed to guide organizations through the process of crafting compelling Mission, Vision, and Values (MVV) statements. Through a structured agenda, participants will engage in activities aimed at gathering stakeholder input, analyzing the organization’s current state and future aspirations, and articulating clear and inspiring MVV statements. Day 1 will focus on understanding the importance of MVV and gathering input from key stakeholders. Day 2 will delve into analyzing the organization’s purpose and aspirations, culminating in the crafting of concise and impactful mission and vision statements. Finally, Day 3 will be dedicated to defining the core values that will guide behavior and decision-making. By the end of the workshop, participants will have developed MVV statements that resonate with their organization’s culture and strategic direction. This workshop will provide a roadmap for organizations to articulate their identity, inspire stakeholders, and drive meaningful action toward achieving their goals.

The “Business Operating Rhythm Workshop”, is a comprehensive 2-day executive leadership event designed to establish and refine the annual operating rhythm of your organization while aligning it with strategic objectives. Through a series of interactive sessions, participants will gain insights into how Strategy Deployment and Daily Management contribute to achieving organizational goals. Day 1 will focus on understanding the components of the business operating rhythm, setting leadership expectations, and identifying top-level key performance indicators (KPIs). On Day 2, participants will collaborate to build their annual operating calendar, develop top-level Critical Value Drivers (CVDs), and create a rollout plan for deployment across different levels of the organization. By the end of the workshop, attendees will be equipped with a clear action plan to implement and sustain a high-performing culture that consistently delivers results.

“Leading the Lean Transformation” is a dynamic, 1.5-day workshop tailored for executives and key leaders seeking to instill a culture of continuous improvement within their organization. Through interactive sessions and group discussions, participants will delve into the fundamentals of Lean Culture, exploring topics such as performance culture, change management, and problem-solving principles. Day 1 will focus on understanding the essential enablers of culture, distinguishing between firefighting and problem-solving approaches, and assessing Lean principles and practices. Participants will engage in self-assessment exercises and group discussions to solidify their understanding. On Day 2, the workshop will delve into the components of a Lean Business System, the importance of cultural change, and the role of Lean leadership in driving sustainable business performance. By the end of the workshop, attendees will possess a high-level understanding of what constitutes a high-performing culture, the essence of Lean leadership, and how to implement and sustain a Lean transformation within their organization.

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“Diligence and Acquisition Integration” is a pivotal process within our Lean Focus Business System, strategically designed to guide clients through the acquisition journey with precision and efficiency. Tailored to meet the unique needs of each client, this process encompasses meticulous due diligence procedures and seamless integration strategies to facilitate the successful acquisition and assimilation of companies into the client’s existing operations. Our team of experts collaborates closely with clients to conduct thorough assessments, identifying opportunities and risks associated with the acquisition target. Leveraging Lean principles, we streamline integration efforts, focusing on harmonizing processes, systems, and cultures to optimize operational synergies and maximize value creation. From initial assessment to post-acquisition integration, our diligent approach ensures a smooth transition and sets the foundation for sustainable growth and success in the acquired entity.

“Breakthrough Kaizen Week” epitomizes the pinnacle of organizational commitment to continuous improvement, spearheaded by the CEO or President of the company. This intensive, 5-day event brings together cross-functional teams to tackle the organization’s most pressing strategic imperatives with unwavering focus and hands-on problem-solving. With each team assigned a discrete business problem, participants engage in multi-kaizen events under the oversight of top leadership, ensuring alignment with organizational targets and priorities. Preparation is paramount, with clearly established business priorities and individual team leaders guiding preparatory efforts weeks or months in advance. Participation is mandatory, reflecting the critical nature of the challenges at hand. Throughout the week, teams deliver daily updates on their progress, culminating in final report-outs where breakthrough thinking, process focus, and tangible results are evaluated against set criteria. The event concludes with acknowledgments from the CEO, awards for top-performing teams, and insightful reflections from the Sensei, cementing a culture of continuous improvement and driving impactful change throughout the organization.

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The “Lean Business System Assessment” offers a comprehensive evaluation aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of your organization’s Lean Business System (LBS) toolbox. Over two days, our expert team conducts on-site visits, combining Gemba observations, interviews with key leadership figures, and a thorough review of your LBS toolbox. We analyze the maturity of LBS tool adoption, assess behavioral impacts, and evaluate Lean competency across key sites and functions. Through this process, we identify strengths, opportunities, and areas for improvement, providing immediate feedback to site leadership and compiling observations for a site-by-site summary. Post-visit, we deliver actionable recommendations and a roadmap for breakthrough improvement, empowering your organization to optimize execution and performance while aligning with Lean best practices. With pre-visit surveys and access to your LBS toolbox, our assessment ensures a tailored approach to meet your specific needs, driving tangible results and sustainable growth.

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The “Introduction to a Lean Culture” workshop is a comprehensive 4-hour session designed to provide participants with a foundational understanding of Lean principles and key tools. Throughout the workshop, attendees will gain insights into Lean philosophy, its core tools, and the importance of fostering a Lean culture within their organization. The agenda covers essential topics such as the 8 wastes, Kaizen methodology, and the mindset required for successful Lean implementation. Participants will delve into the fundamentals of running a Lean business, including leadership systems, strategy deployment, and daily management practices. Additionally, the workshop emphasizes the significance of culture in driving continuous improvement, exploring topics like cultural change, problem-solving culture, and the elements of a high-performance culture. By the end of the workshop, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and insights needed to kickstart their journey towards a Lean culture and drive sustainable improvement within their organization.

The “Engagement Process” workshop is a dynamic session aimed at empowering organizations to cultivate a culture of employee engagement and maximize workforce potential. Over the course of this comprehensive workshop, spanning 2 days, participants will delve into key topics essential for building an effective engagement process. Day one focuses on understanding the fundamentals of employee engagement, exploring topics such as the importance of engagement, factors influencing engagement levels, and best practices for fostering a culture of engagement. Participants will engage in interactive discussions and case studies to gain practical insights into effective engagement strategies. On day two, the workshop dives deeper into action planning and implementation, covering topics such as assessing current engagement levels, identifying areas for improvement, and developing tailored action plans to enhance engagement across the organization. Participants will walk away equipped with actionable strategies, tools, and frameworks to drive meaningful engagement, boost morale, and unleash the full potential of their workforce. Through a combination of interactive sessions, group activities, and real-world examples, this workshop provides a roadmap for organizations seeking to elevate their employee engagement practices and achieve sustainable business success.

The “Continuous Improvement (CI) Leader Boot Camp” is a rigorous 5-day program designed to equip participants with the skills, knowledge, and tools needed to effectively lead and facilitate continuous improvement initiatives within their organizations. Through a combination of interactive sessions, hands-on exercises, and real-world case studies, participants will gain a deep understanding of the principles and practices of continuous improvement, with a focus on kaizen events. Day one sets the foundation by introducing the concept of kaizen and the role of the CI leader in driving organizational improvement. Days two and three delve into the intricacies of kaizen event preparation, execution, and sustainment, providing participants with practical insights and best practices for maximizing the impact of their improvement efforts. Days four and five focus on reinforcing learning through live teach-backs, feedback sessions, and action planning, ensuring that participants are equipped with the skills and confidence to lead successful kaizen events and drive sustainable improvement across their organizations. By the end of the boot camp, participants will emerge as empowered leaders ready to drive targeted, sustainable improvement in quality, delivery, cost, and innovation, while effectively facilitating change and coaching others in continuous improvement methodologies.

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The “Lean Foundation Boot Camp” is a dynamic 5-day workshop meticulously crafted to instill the fundamentals of lean principles and methodologies. Throughout the program, participants will delve into the core concepts of lean culture, guided by the renowned 14 Guiding Principles. Each day is dedicated to exploring essential aspects of lean, from strategy deployment and daily management to problem-solving systems and creating continuous flow. Through interactive sessions, real-world case studies, and gemba walks, participants will gain practical insights and hands-on experience in implementing lean practices. By the end of the boot camp, attendees will emerge equipped with the knowledge and tools to streamline business processes, shorten lead times, reduce costs, and enhance quality. With a focus on empowering employees and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, the Lean Foundation Boot Camp lays the groundwork for sustainable success in lean transformation.

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The “Leadership System Boot Camp” is an immersive 4.5-day workshop designed to equip leaders with the essential skills and knowledge to drive organizational excellence. Over the course of the program, participants will engage in intensive hands-on sessions tailored to three key pillars of effective leadership: problem-solving, daily management, and strategy deployment. The first two days are dedicated to problem-solving, where participants will delve into various problem-solving methodologies and practice applying them to real-world challenges. Following this, a full day is devoted to mastering the intricacies of daily management, exploring strategies for driving continuous improvement and operational excellence on a daily basis. The final 1.5 days focus on strategy deployment, equipping leaders with the tools and techniques to align organizational goals, communicate strategic priorities, and drive execution across all levels of the organization. Through a blend of interactive exercises, case studies, and group discussions, participants will emerge from the Leadership System Boot Camp with the skills, confidence, and vision to lead their teams to new heights of success.

The “Lean Focus Business System (LBS) Train-the-Trainer Process” is a comprehensive program designed to enhance the proficiency of employees and (CI) Leaders in driving change within your organization. By adopting well-proven methods and strategies, this process establishes consistency and maximizes the impact of training sessions on your employees and results. The process follows a structured approach, beginning with Trainer Preparation, where objectives are aligned and facilitation methods are reviewed. This is followed by conducting events, where participants engage in pre-work and develop essential skills for leading Kaizen events. The program also includes observation and support of Kaizen events, allowing participants to learn from Lean Focus experts and independent study of Kaizen topics. Additionally, participants lead Kaizen events with coaching, receiving feedback and guidance to strengthen their skills throughout the process. Structured feedback from Lean Focus ensures continuous improvement, with detailed scorecards highlighting strengths and opportunities for growth. Unlock the full potential of your organization’s Kaizen Facilitation with this transformative program, building a self-sustaining culture of improvement that propels your organization forward.

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The “Lean Transformation JumpStart Program” is a comprehensive and structured approach designed to kickstart your organization’s lean transformation journey. Over a span of 9-12 months, this program guides leadership through the development of a roadmap for Lean Business System implementation, delivering visible impact through the conversion of Lighthouse Sites to lean principles. The program begins with a thorough preparation week, setting expectations and laying the groundwork for subsequent activities. Key components include executive champion orientation, lean assessment, strategy deployment workshops, and foundational boot camps covering lean principles, problem-solving, value stream mapping, and daily management. The program also includes focused weeks on order-to-cash value stream mapping, A3 problem-solving workshops, and dedicated kaizen events to address specific challenges identified during the process. Sustainment weeks ensure ongoing support and coaching, while the program culminates in the development of a comprehensive lean transformation roadmap for future phases. Through this program, organizations can achieve cultural transformation, establish sustainable lean practices, and deliver tangible results across all levels.

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The “Talent Management Process” workshop is a comprehensive, hands-on program designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively manage talent within their organizations. Spanning two days, this workshop delves into key aspects of talent management, including recruitment, development, retention, and succession planning. Through interactive sessions, case studies, and group activities, participants will gain a deep understanding of best practices in talent acquisition, performance evaluation, and career development. They will also learn how to identify high-potential employees, create personalized development plans, and foster a culture of continuous learning and growth. By the end of the workshop, participants will have developed a talent management strategy tailored to their organization’s needs and objectives. Additionally, they will leave with actionable insights and tools to implement their talent management process effectively.

The “Organization Readiness Process” is a customized project tailored to each client’s unique needs and objectives. It serves as a critical link between strategy and execution, ensuring that organizations are equipped with the necessary structure, talent, and engagement to successfully deliver their strategic goals. Through a comprehensive assessment of organizational structure and governance, workforce competencies, and talent alignment, this process addresses key questions such as whether the current structure supports the strategy, if the workforce possesses the required competencies, and if the organization is fully engaged in executing the strategy. Workshop deliverables include detailed analyses of current and future state organizational charts, gap assessments on talent and competencies, and actionable plans to close any identified gaps. By the end of the process, clients will have a clear roadmap for optimizing their organizational readiness and achieving their strategic objectives.

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The “Performance Management Process” workshop is designed to equip organizations with the tools and strategies needed to optimize performance and drive continuous improvement while fostering personal development. Over the course of three days, participants will delve into the fundamentals of performance management within a lean culture, focusing on establishing clear performance metrics, setting meaningful goals, and fostering a culture of accountability and continuous feedback. Day one will cover the basics of performance management, including the importance of aligning individual and team goals with organizational objectives. Day two will dive deeper into performance metrics and data-driven decision-making, emphasizing the use of key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor progress and identify areas for improvement. On the final day, participants will learn effective techniques for providing feedback, coaching, and recognizing performance, as well as developing personalized development plans to align individual aspirations with organizational goals. By the end of the workshop, participants will walk away with a comprehensive understanding of performance management best practices, a roadmap for implementing these practices within their organization, and actionable personal development plans for continuous growth and improvement. Key deliverables will include a performance management framework, KPI dashboards, and individualized development plans tailored to each participant’s goals and aspirations.

The “Leadership Development Process” is a dynamic three-day workshop designed to cultivate effective leadership within a lean culture. Participants embark on a journey through key stages of leadership development, starting with foundational principles on day one, where they learn to lead by example and foster continuous improvement. Day two immerses participants in communication techniques, coaching strategies, and team empowerment tactics essential for effective leadership. On the final day, the focus shifts to strategic thinking, decision-making, and change management, providing participants with the tools to navigate complexities and lead with agility. Throughout the workshop, participants craft personalized leadership development plans, ensuring sustained growth and impact beyond the program. By embracing the principles and models of leadership development as a process, participants emerge as empowered leaders ready to drive meaningful change and inspire their teams to excellence within a lean environment.

The “Reward & Recognition Process” workshop spans two intensive days, focusing on fostering a culture of appreciation and motivation within the organization. Day one delves into the foundational principles of reward and recognition, exploring the psychological aspects of motivation and the importance of aligning recognition with organizational goals. Participants engage in interactive sessions to understand the impact of recognition on employee morale and productivity. On day two, the workshop shifts to practical implementation, guiding participants through the development of tailored reward and recognition programs aligned with lean principles. Deliverables include a comprehensive toolkit comprising best practices, templates for recognition programs, and guidelines for effective implementation. Through a combination of theoretical learning and hands-on activities, participants emerge equipped with the knowledge and tools to design and implement impactful reward and recognition initiatives that drive employee engagement and organizational success within a lean culture.


A transformative three-day boot camp where you’ll unlock the power of Voice of Customer (VOC). Dive deep into immersive training sessions designed to equip you with hands-on VOC techniques for gathering invaluable insights directly from end customers. Through real-world case studies and practical applications, you’ll learn to understand customer value and design effective approaches that drive business success. Whether you’re focused on commercial strategies or operational processes, VOC will help you pinpoint areas for improvement and guide targeted actions to enhance satisfaction and meet key business objectives. Don’t miss this opportunity to revolutionize your approach to delivering exceptional products and services.

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Immerse yourself in a meticulously crafted one-day Kaizen Workshop focused on the 8 Wastes & 3Ms, meticulously designed to introduce Lean Principles, the 8 Wastes (DOWNTIME), and the 3Ms in a structured and collaborative environment. This immersive experience blends theoretical insights with hands-on activities, providing participants with invaluable knowledge and practical skills crucial for waste reduction in manufacturing contexts. Prepare to delve into real-world applications and emerge equipped with the expertise to drive tangible improvements in operational efficiency.

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Embark on a dynamic and immersive 5-day journey of transformation, meticulously designed to ignite interactive engagement and foster cross-functional collaboration and alignment. Dive deep into the intricate flow of materials and information within your value stream through comprehensive analysis and thoughtful design. Uncover inefficiencies and unearth areas for improvement as you quantify both value-adding and non-value-adding activities. Our goal? To streamline processes, slash lead and cycle times, and elevate overall quality and productivity. With a strong emphasis on prioritization, participants will identify and rank the most impactful actions necessary to drive continuous improvement. This transformative experience transcends industries, offering invaluable insights applicable across processes characterized by repeatable steps and multiple handoffs.

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Our one-day “Kaizen Event Process Workshop,” is meticulously crafted to immerse participants in the core principles and objectives of Kaizen events. Engage in dynamic sessions where attendees will delve deep into the essence of continuous improvement, exploring its historical roots and underlying philosophy. Led by seasoned facilitators, the workshop unravels the intricacies of planning and executing successful Kaizen events, with a keen emphasis on problem-solving techniques and fostering effective team dynamics. Through immersive hands-on exercises, participants will gain invaluable practical experience in event planning, ensuring they depart armed with the skills to drive impactful changes, optimize processes, and nurture a culture of continuous improvement within their organizations.

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“6S & Visual Management” Kaizen Workshop, is a collaborative team-based event spanning 3 to 5 days, meticulously designed to revolutionize workspaces. By seamlessly integrating 6S principles and Visual Management techniques, this immersive workshop empowers organizations to foster organized, efficient, and visually intuitive work environments. The outcome? Heightened productivity and elevated employee engagement as teams navigate seamlessly through streamlined and visually optimized spaces, driving tangible improvements in workflow efficiency and operational effectiveness.

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A transformative 2-day “Problem-Solving System” workshop aimed at sharpening your skills in identifying and addressing areas for improvement. Through an immersive blend of theory and hands-on application, you’ll learn to define problems, conduct root cause analysis, and implement effective countermeasures. Each day is packed with practical exercises and real-life case studies, guiding you from understanding the current state to sustaining results. By the workshop’s end, you’ll emerge equipped to navigate challenges at all organizational levels, from daily operations to long-term strategic objectives.

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Join our transformative “Standard Work Kaizen Workshop,” a dynamic five-day program designed to optimize processes and boost efficiency in your organization. Through hands-on activities and lean simulations, participants learn to transition from batch to flow production, prioritize waste reduction opportunities, and develop streamlined layouts. With a focus on implementing improvement ideas and documenting standard work, participants leave equipped to drive sustainable change and deliver impactful results. Don’t miss this opportunity to revolutionize your processes and achieve lasting success.

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Experience the transformative power of our “Transactional Process Improvement (TPI)” Kaizen Workshop, where traditional LEAN methodologies are tailored for non-manufacturing departments. Across 3 to 5 immersive days, participants embark on a journey of process mapping, waste identification, and improvement implementation to elevate quality and efficiency. From crafting current and future state process maps to brainstorming and testing countermeasures at the Gemba, this workshop fosters a culture of continuous improvement. Don’t pass up this opportunity to revolutionize your transactional / administrative processes and achieve tangible results.

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An immersive “Daily Management” workshop is designed to revolutionize how your team operates. Over five days, participants will immerse themselves in a visual, metrics-driven, and collaborative problem-solving process that prioritizes key performance metrics to achieve breakthrough results consistently. With a focus on improving processes rather than blaming individuals, participants will act as owners, driving problem resolution as a team. This system holds team members accountable and is ideal for any department, across various industries, that relies on processes, people, and metrics. Through a combination of classroom training, simulation, and Gemba installations, participants will learn to map processes, establish daily accountability structures, and incorporate problem-solving techniques into their daily routines.

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Introducing “Visual Project Management”, a revolutionary approach to consistently delivering projects on time and to specification. By seamlessly integrating visually-rich formats with traditional accountability and structured problem-solving, this method ensures alignment among team members and stakeholders alike. With instant visibility into project progress and the adoption of structured problem-solving techniques, teams can swiftly identify and address any obstacles, guaranteeing timely project completion. Empowering self-directed teams to drive problem-solving and fostering high transparency in reviews, Visual Project Management revolutionizes project delivery. Join us for an immersive workshop spanning 3 to 5 days, where you’ll master event kickoff, visual planning, risk management, and effective project reporting. Don’t miss this opportunity to revolutionize your project management approach and achieve unparalleled success.

Learn more about Visual Project Management

Guiding Principles

The guiding principle of the “Kaizen Mindset” embodies the philosophy of continuous improvement and the belief that small, incremental changes can lead to significant advancements over time. Rooted in the Japanese concept of “kaizen,” meaning “change for better,” this principle emphasizes a culture of constant learning, adaptation, and innovation at all levels of an organization. It encourages individuals to adopt a proactive approach to problem-solving, seeking out opportunities for improvement in every aspect of their work. By fostering a mindset of curiosity, experimentation, and collaboration, the kaizen mindset promotes a culture of resilience and agility, where challenges are viewed as opportunities for growth and learning. Through ongoing reflection, iteration, and refinement, organizations can cultivate a kaizen mindset that drives continuous improvement, fosters innovation, and ultimately leads to sustained success in a rapidly changing world.

“Continuous flow” is a guiding principle that emphasizes the uninterrupted movement of work through a process, aiming to minimize delays, bottlenecks, and waste. Rooted in the Lean philosophy, continuous flow encourages the smooth and steady progression of tasks, allowing for efficient utilization of resources and swift delivery of value to customers. By maintaining a consistent flow of work, organizations can enhance productivity, reduce lead times, and improve overall quality. This principle promotes a mindset of optimization and agility, fostering a culture of continuous improvement where teams strive to eliminate barriers and streamline processes for sustained success.

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“Create pull” is a guiding principle that revolves around aligning production and delivery with actual customer demand rather than pushing products through the system based on forecasts or schedules. In essence, it involves responding directly to customer needs by producing only what is needed, when it’s needed, and in the quantity needed. By adopting a pull-based system, organizations can minimize inventory, reduce waste, and improve overall efficiency. This principle encourages a customer-centric approach where value is driven by actual demand rather than speculation. Through close collaboration between different parts of the organization and a focus on flexibility and responsiveness, creating pull enables companies to optimize resources, shorten lead times, and enhance customer satisfaction.

The guiding principle of “level the work” emphasizes the importance of balancing and distributing workload across teams or processes to achieve optimal efficiency and effectiveness. Rooted in Lean methodology, this principle aims to eliminate fluctuations and unevenness in workloads, ensuring a steady and consistent flow of tasks. By leveling the work, organizations can minimize overburdening of resources, prevent bottlenecks, and reduce lead times. This principle promotes a culture of fairness and collaboration, where teams work together to support each other and maintain a sustainable pace of work. By aligning workloads with available capacity and skillsets, organizations can optimize resource utilization, improve productivity, and enhance overall performance. Through continuous monitoring and adjustment, the principle of leveling the work enables organizations to adapt to changing demands and maintain stability in their operations.

The guiding principle of “stop and fix” emphasizes the proactive approach of promptly addressing issues and problems as they arise, rather than allowing them to escalate or persist. It advocates for creating a culture where employees are empowered to halt operations when they encounter issues, focusing on resolving the root cause to prevent recurrence. By encouraging a mindset of continuous improvement and problem-solving, this principle fosters a culture of accountability, transparency, and agility within the organization. “Stop and fix” promotes the idea that taking the time to address problems immediately not only prevents further disruptions but also leads to long-term efficiency gains and improved quality. By prioritizing quick resolution and learning from mistakes, organizations can foster a culture of resilience, innovation, and excellence, driving continuous improvement and sustainable success.

The guiding principle of “standardize work” emphasizes the importance of establishing clear, consistent, and documented processes and procedures within an organization. It advocates for identifying best practices and creating standardized workflows to ensure efficiency, quality, and reliability in operations. By standardizing work, organizations can minimize variation, reduce errors, and improve overall performance. This principle promotes a culture of accountability and continuous improvement, where employees are empowered to follow established standards and contribute to refining them over time. Standardized work provides a foundation for training, problem-solving, and performance measurement, enabling teams to work more effectively and collaboratively towards common goals. Through adherence to standardized processes, organizations can achieve greater consistency, predictability, and success in their operations, ultimately driving higher levels of customer satisfaction and organizational excellence.

The guiding principle of “visualize problems” underscores the importance of making problems and challenges visible within an organization. It advocates for using visual tools such as charts, graphs, and dashboards to clearly depict areas of concern and identify opportunities for improvement. By visualizing problems, teams can gain a deeper understanding of root causes, patterns, and trends, enabling more effective problem-solving and decision-making. This principle promotes transparency, accountability, and collaboration, as it encourages open communication and shared understanding of issues across all levels of the organization. By making problems visible, teams can prioritize their efforts, allocate resources more effectively, and drive meaningful change to address underlying issues. Through visual problem-solving, organizations can foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation, driving towards higher levels of performance and success.

The guiding principle of “mind vs. wallet” advocates for a mindset that prioritizes frugality and resourcefulness over lavish spending on large-scale projects. Inspired by the approach of startup founders, this principle encourages individuals and organizations to adopt a lean and agile mindset, carefully considering the most effective and efficient use of resources before committing to significant investments. By embracing a “mindful spending” approach, organizations can avoid unnecessary expenses and instead focus on maximizing value with minimal resources. This principle promotes a culture of creativity, innovation, and responsible stewardship, where prudent decision-making and strategic allocation of funds lead to sustainable growth and success. By balancing financial prudence with strategic vision, organizations can achieve impactful outcomes while conserving valuable resources for future opportunities.

The guiding principle of “leaders teach” underscores the critical role of leadership in fostering a culture of learning, growth, and development within an organization. It emphasizes that leaders have a responsibility not only to set direction and make decisions but also to mentor, coach, and empower their teams. By actively sharing knowledge, skills, and insights, leaders can inspire and motivate their employees to reach their full potential and contribute meaningfully to the organization’s success. This principle encourages leaders to lead by example, demonstrating a commitment to continuous learning and improvement, and to create an environment where questions are welcomed, feedback is valued, and mistakes are viewed as opportunities for growth. Through effective teaching and mentorship, leaders can build a strong and resilient workforce, drive innovation, and foster a culture of excellence and collaboration.

The guiding principle of “develop people” emphasizes the critical importance of investing in and nurturing the capabilities and potential of individuals within an organization. It recognizes that the success and sustainability of any enterprise are deeply intertwined with the growth and development of its workforce. By prioritizing the continuous learning, skill-building, and empowerment of employees at all levels, organizations can foster a culture of innovation, adaptability, and high performance. This principle encourages providing opportunities for training, mentorship, and career advancement, as well as creating an environment that values diversity, inclusion, and collaboration. By developing people, organizations not only enhance individual capabilities but also cultivate a motivated and engaged workforce that drives organizational success and resilience in an ever-evolving business landscape.

The guiding principle of “respect others” underscores the fundamental importance of treating all individuals with dignity, empathy, and consideration. It emphasizes fostering an environment where diversity, inclusivity, and mutual understanding are valued and celebrated. This principle encourages individuals and organizations to recognize the inherent worth and unique perspectives of each person, regardless of background, position, or beliefs. By practicing respect towards others, organizations can cultivate a culture of trust, collaboration, and innovation, where everyone feels valued, heard, and empowered to contribute their best. This principle promotes open communication, active listening, and constructive feedback, fostering strong relationships and fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie within the workplace. Through mutual respect, organizations can harness the collective potential of their teams and create a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone can thrive.

The guiding principle of “go see yourself” emphasizes the importance of firsthand observation and direct engagement with the realities of a situation or process. Originating from the Lean philosophy, this principle encourages leaders and decision-makers to actively immerse themselves in the actual workplace environment rather than relying solely on reports or hearsay. By physically witnessing operations, interactions, and challenges firsthand, individuals can gain deeper insights, identify root causes of issues, and better understand the needs and perspectives of employees and customers. This principle promotes a culture of transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement, where decisions are informed by real-world observations and data rather than assumptions or interpretations. By going to see for oneself, organizations can foster better communication, build trust, and drive more effective problem-solving and decision-making processes.

The guiding principle of “eliminate waste” underscores the importance of systematically identifying and removing inefficiencies, redundancies, and non-value-added activities within processes and systems. Rooted in the Lean philosophy, this principle advocates for the relentless pursuit of streamlining operations to optimize resources and maximize value creation. By minimizing waste across all aspects of the organization, including time, materials, and human effort, businesses can enhance productivity, reduce costs, and improve overall quality. This principle encourages a mindset of continuous improvement and empowers employees at all levels to proactively identify and address waste in their workflows. By eliminating waste, organizations can streamline processes, increase agility, and ultimately deliver greater value to customers while fostering a culture of efficiency and innovation.

The guiding principle of “high expectations” centers on setting ambitious goals, challenging the status quo, and continuously striving for excellence. It encourages individuals and organizations to raise the bar, push boundaries, and pursue lofty aspirations. By setting high expectations for performance, quality, and innovation, this principle fosters a culture of continuous improvement, creativity, and growth. It inspires individuals to stretch their capabilities, embrace new challenges, and exceed their own limitations. Through clear communication of expectations, effective support, and recognition of achievements, organizations can cultivate a sense of accountability, motivation, and commitment among their teams. By maintaining high expectations, organizations can drive breakthrough results, foster innovation, and ultimately achieve sustainable success in a competitive landscape.

Innovation & Growth System

The Innovation & Growth System is a collection of structured processes and tools that allow companies to create sustainable competitive advantage by driving above-market organic growth. The four main aspects of the Innovation & Growth System include: Aspire, Discover, Design, and Deploy.


From segmentation to strategic execution, these tools give you the ability to understand how your customers will respond to your targeted business strategies.

Customer Segmentation

Customer Segmentation
An immersive four-day “Customer Segmentation” workshop designed to equip you with indispensable skills for understanding and leveraging diverse market segments. Through a dynamic mix of theory and hands-on activities, participants will delve into the nuances of segmentation, from uncovering insights to crafting competitive advantages. Each day offers a deep exploration into segmentation criteria, dimensions, and sizing, from initial ideation to rigorous verification of segment effectiveness. With a strategic emphasis on prioritization and optimization, attendees will depart with a robust segmentation strategy poised to guide critical organizational functions, including strategy planning and sales and marketing initiatives. Don’t miss this opportunity to refine your segmentation approach and gain a competitive edge in today’s dynamic market landscape.

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning
Embark on a strategic journey with our comprehensive “Strategic Planning” workshop, spanning seven meticulously crafted sessions designed to define your organization’s direction and optimize resource allocation. From an initial kickoff session to align on target segmentations and review prior initiatives, participants progress through deep dives into external drivers, gap analysis, and strategic initiatives. Under expert coaching and support, attendees refine segmentations, develop strategic plans, and craft draft presentations. Through strategic walkthroughs and financial reviews, teams identify gaps and finalize deployment plans. Rooted in data-driven processes and clear objectives, strategic planning empowers organizations to make integrated choices that secure sustainable advantages over rivals. Don’t miss this opportunity to chart your course to success and gain a competitive edge in your industry. Learn More About Strategic Planning

I.P. Strategy Deployment

I.P. Strategy Deployment
Unlock the full potential of your Intellectual Property (I.P.) with our immersive four-day “I.P. Strategy Deployment” Kaizen Workshop, specifically tailored for engineers and developers. From patent search to application, this workshop provides participants with the essential tools to navigate the entire I.P. landscape and safeguard rights throughout the product development lifecycle. Through a comprehensive agenda encompassing Kaizen training, Freedom to Operate (FTO) analysis, idea disclosures, and patent application processes, attendees gain invaluable insights into cultivating a robust I.P. portfolio. Key highlights include establishing a Patent Steering Committee and aligning technology, I.P., and product roadmaps to gain strategic advantage. By mastering the management and measurement of the I.P. funnel, participants will be empowered to drive innovation and secure a sustainable competitive edge.

Technology Roadmap

Technology Roadmap
Unlock the potential of your organization’s technology initiatives with our dynamic “Technology Roadmap” workshop spanning three to five days. Through a blend of strategic alignment, resource optimization, and continuous improvement principles, participants will assess and refine existing technology roadmaps to align with business objectives and market trends. By the end of this immersive workshop, you’ll walk away with a comprehensive and adaptable Technology Roadmap that serves as a strategic guidepost for achieving your technological goals, driving innovation, and ensuring sustained success in a rapidly evolving landscape. Don’t miss this chance to leverage technology as a catalyst for growth and competitive advantage in your organization.

Product Roadmap

Product Roadmap
“Product Roadmap” kaizen workshop, spanning 3 to 5 days, is designed to unlock the power of strategic alignment and resource optimization, driving revenue growth and maximizing impact in your organization. Through cross-functional collaboration, Kaizen Principles, and a relentless focus on continuous improvement, participants will assess and enhance existing product roadmaps to align seamlessly with business objectives and market dynamics. By the conclusion of the workshop, you’ll emerge equipped with a refined and dynamic Product Roadmap, serving as a strategic blueprint for achieving your business goals, fostering collaboration, and ensuring sustained success in product development. Don’t miss this invaluable opportunity to chart your path to top-line growth and optimize your product development strategy for maximum impact. Learn more about Product Roadmap

Strategy Deployment

Strategy Deployment
Unlock the full potential of your strategic plan with our immersive five-day “Strategy Deployment” workshop. Crafted to transform your strategic vision into actionable initiatives and tangible outcomes, this workshop guides participants through a comprehensive process of understanding improvement priorities, setting measurable targets, and developing robust action plans. From mastering the mechanics and tools of Strategy Deployment to cultivating breakthrough objectives and improvement priorities, each day offers deep insights and practical tools to drive success. By the workshop’s conclusion, participants will have crafted Level 1 and Level 2 matrices, formulated actionable plans, and established leadership review processes, ensuring alignment with top-level strategic objectives and fostering long-term competitive advantage. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by—join us to elevate your strategic planning process and propel sustainable growth within your organization. Learn More About Strategy Deployment


A customer-centric approach to gather and interpret customer insights, as well as go-to market strategies that delight customers and create competitive separation.

Innovation Function Rapid Assessment

Innovation Function Rapid Assessment
Join us for a dynamic five-day “Innovation Function Rapid Assessment” workshop, meticulously designed to elevate your organization’s innovation capabilities to unprecedented levels. Through a strategic fusion of data analysis, stakeholder interviews, and interactive exercises, participants will gain profound insights into the strengths and opportunities within their innovation processes. From scrutinizing performance metrics against industry benchmarks to fostering creative ideation sessions and prioritizing improvement areas, each day provides a structured framework for fostering innovation excellence. By the workshop’s culmination, attendees will depart with a comprehensive assessment report and a tailored roadmap for enhancement, empowering them to execute projects with precision, efficiency, and alignment with customer expectations. Don’t let this opportunity slip away—join us to unleash the full potential of your innovation function and realize tangible, sustainable results.

Product Portfolio Management

Product Portfolio Management
Join us for a dynamic two-day “Product Portfolio Management” workshop, designed to empower senior leaders to drive optimal returns on innovation investments and maximize the value of your product portfolio. Through an engaging blend of theory, real-world case studies, and hands-on exercises, participants will gain invaluable insights into reviewing major projects at critical milestones, dynamically allocating resources, and measuring innovation metrics to close gaps and fuel growth. By the workshop’s conclusion, senior leaders will be armed with the tools and expertise necessary to enhance customer value, satisfaction, and growth within their innovation teams. Seize this opportunity to streamline your product portfolio management process and unleash the full potential of your innovation investments. Learn More About Product Portfolio Management

User Workflow Discovery

User Workflow Discovery
Embark on a transformative four-day “User Workflow Discovery” workshop, where teams embark on a journey to deeply understand user experiences and unearth invaluable insights to drive product development. Through a meticulously structured process, self-directed teams will immerse themselves in user observations and interviews, extracting hundreds of insights and culminating in the identification of the most pressing problems that new products must solve. From the kickoff session to the final report-out, participants will be equipped with a transparent and structured framework for selecting the optimal user segments and workflows, distilling critical insights, and ultimately delivering innovative solutions that delight customers. Don’t miss this invaluable opportunity to elevate your understanding of user needs and drive product development initiatives that resonate deeply with your target audience. Learn More About User Workflow Discovery

Design Thinking

Design Thinking
Immerse yourself in a dynamic five-day “Design Thinking” Kaizen Workshop, where cross-functional teams unite to innovate customer-centric designs that captivate and delight users. Through the synergy of developers and customer-facing personnel, participants embark on a journey to craft solutions within a week, ready to be tested with real customers and users. From establishing guiding principles to fine-tuning prototypes based on invaluable user feedback, each day unfolds with profound insights and hands-on exercises aimed at fostering innovation. By the workshop’s conclusion, teams will have validated value propositions with customers, pinpointed crucial use cases, and developed prototypes primed for further refinement and development. Seize this invaluable opportunity to revolutionize your design process and craft solutions that authentically resonate with your target audience. Learn More About Design Thinking

Project Requirements Kaizen

Project Requirement Kaizen
A three-day “Project Requirements Kaizen” Workshop, where we’ll equip you with the tools to define project requirements spanning users, customers, and your organization. Through a meticulously structured process, participants will collaborate to craft a unified project definition, establishing clear investment and return expectations while guarding against scope creep and minimizing confusion. From discerning customer needs to delineating project tasks and estimating revenue, each day is brimming with practical exercises and profound insights to ensure project success. By the workshop’s culmination, attendees will emerge with a meticulously outlined project plan that seamlessly aligns with core values, fosters enhanced team collaboration, and meticulously tracks finances for effective metrics. Seize this invaluable opportunity to elevate your project management process and pave the way for success through clarity, precision, and cohesive teamwork. Learn More About Project Requirements Kaizen


The rapid-design processes that accelerate product development time-to-market and support customers’ needs.

Lean Phase-Gate System

Lean Phase-Gate System
The “Lean Phase-Gate System”, is a structured approach meticulously designed to streamline development processes and ensure projects meet organizational needs with precision and efficiency. Spanning five intensive days, participants dive deep into the system, commencing with an engaging introduction and kickoff event. Through a series of immersive workshops, they meticulously examine the current state of the process, identify areas of waste, and meticulously map out the complete process flow. Detailed analyses of phase flow and deliverables ensue, culminating in the creation of a comprehensive process plan. By actively involving cross-functional teams in both the development and maintenance of the system, the Lean Phase-Gate process guarantees alignment with the diverse needs of stakeholders, serving as a singular point of truth. This approach eradicates confusion and paves the path for project outcomes that are consistently on-time, on-budget, and precisely on-spec. Learn More About Lean Phase-Gate System

Innovation Visual Project Management

Innovation Visual Project Management
A 3 to 5 day “Innovation Visual Project Management” workshop, is specially curated for product launch projects navigating the intricate new product phase gate process. Throughout this immersive experience, participants will master the art of crafting a unified project definition, setting precise investment expectations, and thwarting scope creep through meticulously structured exercises. From unraveling intricate customer needs to accurately forecasting revenue streams, each day promises profound insights essential for project triumph. Depart with a meticulously detailed project plan intricately aligned with core values and primed to foster enhanced team collaboration. Revolutionize your project management approach with unparalleled clarity, precision, and collective teamwork, ensuring resounding success at every turn. Don’t let this opportunity for transformative success pass you by. Learn more about Innovation Visual Project Management

FMEA Kaizen

FMEA Kaizen
“Failure Mode & Effects Analysis (FMEA) Kaizen” Workshop, spanning 3 to 5 dynamic days of comprehensive cross-functional review aimed at enhancing reliability and elevating customer satisfaction. Throughout this structured journey, participants will delve into component function, identify potential failure modes, and meticulously evaluate severity, occurrence likelihood, and detection measures. This transformative workshop empowers teams to strategically select areas for design enhancement and develop sustainable processes for ongoing improvement. By prioritizing potential failures and implementing robust risk mitigation strategies, organizations can bolster product reliability, heighten competitiveness, and ultimately deliver unparalleled customer satisfaction. Don’t miss this opportunity to strengthen your design or process and cement your competitive advantage in the market. Learn More About FMEA Kaizen

VAVE Kaizen

VAVE Kaizen
Discover the transformative power of “Value Analysis / Value Engineering (VA/VE) Kaizen” in our immersive five-day workshop, where participants embark on a structured journey to achieve significant cost savings while preserving essential functions, yielding remarkable ROI ratios ranging from 20:1 to 50:1. Beginning with an in-depth introduction and overview, attendees engage in a comprehensive exploration of VA/VE methodology. Through interactive workshops, they navigate product familiarization, pinpoint redundant functions, and employ FAST diagrams to brainstorm innovative cost reduction strategies. By rigorously evaluating proposals and crafting final presentations, participants strike an optimal balance between function, performance, quality, safety, and cost. This workshop not only enhances product quality and elevates customer experience but also cultivates a culture of creative problem-solving, driving the attainment of functions at the most economical cost. Learn more about Value Analysis / Value Engineering (VA/VE) Kaizen

3P Kaizen

3P Kaizen
A “Production Preparation Process (3P) Kaizen” workshop, where lean manufacturing and product development principles converge to expedite the delivery of newly developed products to the market. Spanning five days, cross-functional teams immerse themselves in a hands-on approach to sculpt optimal product concepts and production processes. From rigorous product evaluation to precise criteria definition and prototype development, participants endeavor to infuse quality into both product and process, thereby hastening time-to-market and curbing overall costs. By integrating design for manufacturability and lean manufacturing practices, this workshop ensures the creation of high-quality products that seamlessly align with customer needs, driving efficiency and efficacy in production. Learn More About 3P Kaizen

DFR Kaizen

DFR Kaizen
The “Design for Reliability (DFR) Kaizen” Workshop, is a transformative five-day journey aimed at bolstering product reliability through meticulous design strategies. This comprehensive workshop introduces participants to the foundational principles of reliability engineering and identifies critical technical domains on day one. Days two and three are dedicated to intensive collaboration, as teams craft robust design guidelines and conduct rigorous risk assessments to preempt potential failure modes. Day four marks the construction and evaluation of prototypes against stringent criteria, facilitating refinement and optimization efforts. The workshop culminates in a thorough review of achievements, including the capture of actionable insights and the crafting of a comprehensive kaizen report elucidating key findings and recommendations for sustaining reliability enhancements. Through this immersive experience, organizations acquire the tools and methodologies essential for crafting products that surpass reliability benchmarks, driving unparalleled customer satisfaction.

DFM Kaizen

DFM Kaizen
The “Design for Manufacturing (DFM) Kaizen” Workshop, is a targeted three-day workshop designed to optimize your organization’s manufacturing processes through the development of critical design guidelines. In this structured event, participants embark on a journey of discovery, identifying subject matter experts and delineating technical needs on day one. Days two and three are dedicated to dynamic ideation sessions, where collaborative efforts yield design guidelines for pivotal areas, seamlessly integrated into your Phase-Gate System. A real-world “test run” during live reviews ensures the viability and efficacy of these guidelines, complemented by the establishment of sustainable processes for their ongoing utilization. By workshop’s end, your organization will have erected a sturdy framework encompassing manufacturing, procurement, quality, and reliability, elevating operational efficiency and elevating product quality to new heights. Learn More About DFM Kaizen

Continuous User Feedback

Continuous User Feedback
Embark on a transformative journey with our four-day “Continuous User Feedback” Kaizen Workshop, where we’ll equip you with the tools to validate product value propositions before launch through ongoing user engagement. Throughout this immersive experience, participants will cultivate cross-functional collaboration to ensure customer delight, proactively identifying and addressing product gaps for swift resolution. From meticulous planning and execution to dynamic problem-solving and comprehensive launch review, each day offers hands-on exercises and profound insights aimed at propelling product success. By the workshop’s conclusion, participants will emerge empowered to amplify value propositions through customer-driven development, ensuring customers are delighted from day one with robust, vetted offerings. Seize this opportunity to harness continuous user feedback and drive innovation that consistently exceeds customer expectations. Learn More About Continuous User Feedback

Launch Readiness

Launch Readiness
Join us for an impactful five-day “Launch Readiness” Kaizen Workshop, where we’ll guide you through the critical steps to ensure the successful introduction of your new products. Throughout this immersive workshop, participants will cultivate cross-functional collaboration to deliver the necessary commercial assets for a seamless launch, ensuring all customer-facing functions are primed for day one success. From mastering the guiding principles of Lean to conducting a thorough assessment of the current state and implementing a six-step launch readiness process, each day offers hands-on exercises and profound insights to drive product success. By the workshop’s conclusion, participants will be empowered to continuously measure launch effectiveness and implement targeted problem-solving strategies to address any gaps. Don’t miss this opportunity to leverage the Launch Readiness Kaizen Workshop and ensure your new products not only meet but exceed customer expectations, achieving revenue targets and fostering reliable growth. Learn More About Launch Readiness


The go-to-market processes and tools used to improve sales and marketing productivity and effectiveness.

Launch Control Room

Launch Control Room
Join us for an engaging three-day “Launch Control Room” workshop designed to facilitate the seamless introduction of your new products. In this immersive experience, participants will learn how to establish a virtual or physical control room dedicated to ensuring launch success. The workshop will underscore the significance of continuously monitoring customer response and operational performance to swiftly address any emerging issues. By fostering a problem-solving environment with defined goals and clear calls-to-action, participants will be equipped to navigate unexpected challenges with real-time countermeasures. Don’t miss this opportunity to leverage lean principles, track operational performance, and respond effectively to customer feedback, ensuring the success of your new product launches while driving revenue growth. Learn More About Launch Control Room

Sustainment Engineering Toolkit

Sustainment Engineering Toolkit
Our comprehensive five-day “Sustainment Engineering Toolkit” workshop, meticulously designed to arm participants with the tools and strategies essential for optimizing product performance and longevity. Throughout this immersive experience, attendees will explore various facets of sustainment engineering, delving into reliability, maintainability, and supportability. Through interactive activities and real-world case studies, participants will master the art of assessing and enhancing product lifecycles, ensuring continued alignment with customer needs and expectations. By the workshop’s conclusion, attendees will possess a robust toolkit and actionable insights to drive sustained success in engineering and product development initiatives. Don’t overlook this invaluable opportunity to elevate your organization’s approach to product sustainment and elevate customer satisfaction to new heights.

Rapid Growth Assessment

Rapid Growth Assessment
An immersive five-day “Rapid Growth Assessment” workshop tailored to turbocharge your organization’s revenue and efficiency. Through a strategic fusion of pre-consultations, in-depth analysis, and hands-on activities, participants will gain profound insights into growth and enhancement opportunities spanning all facets of the business. From dissecting business functions into strategic pillars to executing functional audits and crafting a Growth Transformation Plan, each day unfolds a structured pathway toward unlocking fresh revenue streams and amplifying customer satisfaction. By the workshop’s culmination, attendees will depart armed with a comprehensive Growth Bridge Action Plan, spotlighting short-term, medium-term, and long-term growth avenues. Seize this pivotal opportunity to propel rapid growth and transformation within your organization, prioritizing quantifiable ROI and actionable strategies at every turn. Learn More About Rapid Growth Assessment

Strategic Pricing

Strategic Pricing
An engaging three-day workshop on “Strategic Pricing”, where we’ll explore the nuances of pricing strategy to optimize margins and fuel business expansion. Through a structured 6-step process, participants will delve into the development of systematic pricing plans tailored to three key levels: Industry, Product/Market, and Transactional. From initial data gathering and analysis to detailed implementation planning and rollout, each stage is meticulously crafted to uncover pricing opportunities and prioritize them for maximum impact. By the workshop’s conclusion, attendees will depart armed with actionable tactics to elevate pricing strategy across all business domains, enhancing insights and mitigating sources of margin erosion. Don’t pass up this opportunity to harness the full potential of pricing as a potent driver of commercial success. Learn More About Strategic Pricing

Sales Funnel Management

Sales Funnel Management
A hands-on, five-day workshop on “Sales Funnel Management”, where we’ll guide you through the process of establishing key metrics to optimize your sales funnel’s health. Through a structured approach, participants will gain the skills to develop predictable and repeatable sales processes while identifying and addressing challenges across the sales lifecycle. From mastering the fundamentals of funnel management to mapping current sales processes and implementing effective funnel setups, each day offers practical exercises and profound insights to elevate your sales strategy. By the workshop’s conclusion, attendees will have implemented a cadence, agenda, and standard procedures for funnel reviews, empowering them to drive revenue growth and achieve tangible results. Don’t miss this chance to gain invaluable insights into your sales performance, enhance lead quality and speed to close, and strategically guide your marketing and sales teams through data-driven approaches. Learn More About Sales Funnel Management

Value Selling

Value Selling
Join us for a dynamic three-day Kaizen workshop focused on “Value Selling,” aimed at empowering your sales team to effectively communicate and showcase the unique value proposition of your products or services to customers. Through a blend of interactive sessions and hands-on exercises, participants will master proven techniques to identify and articulate the value drivers that resonate with customers. Day one will lay the foundation by exploring the principles of value selling and defining your unique value proposition. On day two, we’ll dive into customer needs analysis and crafting value-based messaging, while day three will emphasize practical application through role-playing scenarios to solidify learning. By the workshop’s conclusion, your team will possess the skills and confidence to engage customers in meaningful conversations, differentiate your offerings, and enhance deal-closing effectiveness. Seize this opportunity to revolutionize your sales approach and drive greater success in capturing customer value.

Supply Chain & Operations System

The Supply Chain & Operations System is a set of proven, Lean manufacturing tools that are deployed in a systematic manner to deliver breakthrough results in Safety, Quality, Delivery, Inventory, and Productivity. The four main aspects of the Supply Chain & Operations System are: Safety, Quality, Delivery, and Cost.


Establishing an effective safety culture means creating a shared set of values, beliefs, and behaviors around safety that employees can support and cultivate through workplace process improvement.

Behavior Based Safety Culture

Behavior Based Safety Culture
Immerse yourself in a transformative three-day Kaizen workshop dedicated to fostering a “Behavior-Based Safety (BBS) Culture” within your organization. This immersive program offers hands-on exploration of the principles and practices of BBS, designed to cultivate heightened awareness of workplace safety among employees. Through safety observations led by trained observers, participants will be empowered to prioritize their safety and that of their peers, fostering a proactive approach to risk mitigation. Throughout the workshop, attendees will learn to recognize both safe and unsafe behaviors and conditions, providing constructive feedback to drive positive change. By promoting open dialogue and collaboration, our aim is to establish a culture of safety consciousness and continuous improvement. Join us on this journey to elevate safety standards and enhance employee well-being.

EH&S Risk Kaizen

EH&S Risk Kaizen
A dynamic five-day journey with our “EH&S Risk Kaizen” workshop, designed to empower participants to assess and mitigate environmental, health, and safety risks within their organization. Through hands-on activities and interactive sessions, attendees will utilize a comprehensive 35-point risk assessment framework to systematically identify potential hazards and exposures across various categories. Prioritizing risks based on their likelihood of occurrence and potential impact, participants will collaboratively develop actionable plans for effective risk mitigation and ongoing monitoring. Join us for this immersive workshop to enhance your organization’s risk management practices and cultivate a safer and healthier work environment for all.

Energy & Waste Saver Kaizen

Energy & Waste Saver Kaizen
An immersive five-day journey through our “Energy & Waste Saver Kaizen” workshop, where participants will engage in hands-on activities aimed at boosting energy efficiency and curbing waste within their organization. By conducting a thorough energy/waste audit, attendees will meticulously assess energy consumption and waste generation across various areas of the facility. Through this process, they’ll pinpoint opportunities for improvement, promising significant savings in both energy usage and costs. Whether targeting the entire site or specific processes, this workshop will equip participants to identify and implement measures that drive enhanced energy efficiency and waste reduction. Don’t miss this chance to optimize your organization’s resource utilization and contribute to a sustainable future.

Gemba Walks & Layered Process Audits

Gemba Walks & Layered Process Audits
A three-day “Gemba Walks & Layered Process Audits” Kaizen workshop, is aimed at empowering organizations to bolster safety measures, mitigate workplace hazards, and optimize processes. At the heart of this workshop lies the concept of Layered Process Audits (LPAs), engaging all employees in the auditing process to validate preventive measures and spot potential hazards. Supervisors conduct frequent audits within their respective areas, while higher-level managers extend their oversight to broader domains less regularly. Through integrated corrective and preventative actions executed during or immediately post-audit, LPAs empower organizations to take charge of their processes, reduce accidents, and enhance both the work environment and financial performance.

Job-Safety Analysis (JSA)

Job-Safety Analysis (JSA)
In our comprehensive five-day “Job Safety Analysis (JSA) & Kaizen” workshop, we dive deep into integrating safety and health principles into job operations while making physical workplace improvements. A JSA meticulously breaks down each step of a job, identifying potential hazards and recommending the safest practices. Also known as a job hazard analysis (JHA) or job hazard breakdown, this methodology emphasizes safety as a fundamental aspect of every task, not just a separate concern. Throughout the workshop, participants will broaden their analysis beyond safety, considering all facets of the job. By the end of the workshop, attendees will possess the tools and knowledge to conduct thorough JSAs, ensuring the health and safety of all personnel while optimizing job efficiency. Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your organization’s safety culture and foster a workplace environment focused on well-being, productivity, and physical improvements.


Ensuring a focus on quality from internal and external stakeholders, which can be achieved by assessing risk, applying basic quality systems, mistake-proofing, and reducing variation.

Total Quality Management (TQM)

Total Quality Management (TQM)
Our immersive five-day “Total Quality Management (TQM)” Kaizen workshop represents a comprehensive approach to fostering a culture of continuous improvement, empowering every employee to elevate their skills and contribute to delivering products and services that surpass customer expectations. This workshop emphasizes the holistic commitment of all departments, extending beyond production to encompass areas such as sales, marketing, finance, and design. Through interactive sessions and hands-on exercises, participants will delve into the principles and practices of TQM, covering aspects like funding, training, staffing, and goal setting. By the workshop’s conclusion, attendees will emerge equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to drive sustainable quality enhancements across all facets of their organization. This approach ensures long-term success and customer satisfaction by fostering a culture centered on operational excellence and customer-centricity.

Built-In Quality Systems (BIQS)

Built-In Quality Systems (BIQS)
Embark on a five-day journey toward operational excellence with our immersive “Built-In Quality System (BIQS)” Kaizen workshop. BIQS transcends mere process; it represents a systematic approach aimed at ensuring that your operations consistently surpass the quality standards expected by your customers. Throughout this workshop, your team will engage in a thorough assessment of current state processes, brainstorm innovative improvements, and implement strategies to infuse quality into every facet of your operations. With an unwavering focus on sustainability and repeatability, participants will collaborate to craft a tailored BIQS framework embraced by all associates. By the workshop’s conclusion, your organization will be armed with the tools and methodologies needed to uphold quality standards with unwavering confidence, fostering enduring success and customer satisfaction.

Mistake Proofing / Jidoka

Mistake-Proofing / Jidoka
Join us for our “Mistake Proofing & Jidoka Kaizen” Workshop, a comprehensive five-day hands-on experience that delves deeply into the principles of mistake-proofing, also known as poka yoke, and Jidoka. Participants will be guided in creating a work environment engineered to prevent errors and ensure seamless operations. Throughout the workshop, we explore the immediate halt of work upon problem detection, a key aspect of Jidoka, to prevent defects from spreading downstream. Attendees will systematically identify areas for improvement within their processes and develop strategies to reduce or eliminate mistakes. By the program’s conclusion, participants will emerge equipped with the knowledge and tools to implement robust mistake-proofing mechanisms and embrace the principles of Jidoka, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and operational excellence within their organizations.

Variation-Reduction Kaizen (VRK)

Variation-Reduction Kaizen (VRK)
Uncover the transformative power of the “Variation Reduction Kaizen (VRK)” workshop—a comprehensive five-day program designed to minimize defects, boost operational efficiency, and enhance customer satisfaction. Throughout this immersive experience, participants will explore the nuances of process variation, conducting meticulous observations and prioritizing areas for improvement. Engaging in hands-on activities and collaborative brainstorming sessions, attendees will craft innovative solutions to eradicate root causes of variation and streamline process workflows. From optimizing physical layouts to implementing standardized work instructions, this workshop empowers participants to enact tangible enhancements in quality and operational performance. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement and proactive problem-solving, the VRK workshop equips organizations with the tools and strategies necessary to achieve sustained success and exceed customer expectations. Learn More About Variation Reduction Kaizen (VRK)


Ensuring a proper level of flow and pull systems are in place to satisfy delivery requirements for customers, optimizing on-hand inventories, while reducing and eliminating waste.

Creating Level Pull

Creating Level Pull
Our immersive 5-day workshop, “Creating Level Pull,” meticulously crafted to revolutionize your production processes and elevate operational efficiency. Throughout this hands-on experience, participants will navigate the complexities of inventory management, mastering the delicate balance between supply and demand to optimize outcomes. Engaging in interactive sessions and real-world simulations, attendees will gain expertise in aligning production capacity with customer needs, implementing kanban systems, and streamlining material handling procedures. From orchestrating upstream production control to extending pull systems facility-wide, each day offers pragmatic insights and actionable strategies for advancement. By the workshop’s conclusion, participants will have acquired a comprehensive toolkit and refined techniques to sustain and enhance pull systems continually, driving profitability, ensuring punctual deliveries, and minimizing operational expenses. Learn more about Creating Level Pull

Making Materials Flow

Making Materials Flow
Dive into the realm of efficient material handling with our immersive 3-day workshop, “Making Materials Flow.” This intensive program is meticulously crafted to streamline material handling processes, trim operating costs, and elevate on-time delivery performance for customers. Throughout the workshop, participants will delve deep into lean material-handling principles, mastering the development of a comprehensive Plan for Every Part (PFEP) and harnessing the effectiveness of PFEP templates. Day two is dedicated to creating a robust purchased-parts market, optimizing delivery routes, and mastering information management systems. The final day culminates in a dynamic lean material-handling simulation, offering hands-on insights into sustaining and enhancing lean material-handling systems. Through a systematic, 10-step process, participants will glean invaluable knowledge on maintaining PFEP integrity, determining optimal inventory levels, and maximizing space utilization. Learn more about Making Materials Flow

Dynamic Kanban & PFEP

Dynamic Kanban & PFEP
Our immersive 5-day kaizen workshop, “Dynamic Kanban & PFEP, is meticulously designed to revolutionize inventory management. Dive deep into the principles of dynamic Kanban and PFEP, unlocking pathways to best-in-class on-time delivery, operational cost reduction, and optimized inventory investment. Through a blend of comprehensive training sessions and hands-on activities such as Kanban simulations and Gemba tours, participants will embark on a journey of discovery, conducting current state assessments and data analysis. Engage in collaborative sessions aimed at crafting replenishment strategies, deploying Kanban methodologies, and fine-tuning operations for maximum efficiency. Learn more about Dynamic Kanban & PFEP

Heijunka (Level-Loading)

Heijunka (Level-Loading)
Dive into the world of “Heijunka” (Level Loading) with our immersive 5-day hands-on kaizen workshop, designed to revolutionize manufacturing operations. Throughout the structured agenda, participants will explore the core principles of Heijunka, emphasizing level loading to amplify customer satisfaction, streamline supply chain operations, and optimize asset utilization. From scrutinizing current production states to collaboratively mapping out future states, attendees engage in data-driven decision-making and hands-on activities aimed at implementing Heijunka principles effectively. Through pilot implementations, continuous monitoring, and kaizen events, teams fine-tune production flows, standardize processes, and meticulously document standard work procedures. As the workshop draws to a close, participants reflect on their transformative journey, evaluate successes, and devise plans for ongoing monitoring and maintenance, armed with newfound insights and strategies for sustained improvement. Learn more about Heijunka

SIOP Process

SIOP Process
Our immersive 5-day hands-on kaizen workshop, aptly titled “SIOP Process,” is aimed at optimizing operational efficiency and boosting profitability. This workshop offers a deep dive into the intricate workings of Sales, Inventory, and Operations Planning (SIOP). Throughout the agenda, participants undergo comprehensive training on SIOP principles and practices, conducting meticulous reviews and mapping of current practices to pinpoint areas ripe for enhancement. Through a blend of self-evaluation and collaborative sessions, teams identify gaps and opportunities in demand and supply planning, crafting robust data structures and strategic approaches. As the workshop draws to a close, participants engage in pre-SIOP and executive meetings to fine-tune approaches and action plans, armed with the tools and insights to implement a rigorous SIOP process seamlessly aligning sales, marketing, finance, and operations functions. With the ability to capture outstanding action items and deliver comprehensive kaizen reports, your organization is empowered to achieve best-in-class on-time delivery, reduced operational costs, and heightened revenue and profitability. Learn more about SIOP Process

Capacity Analysis

Capacity Analysis
“Capacity Analysis” offers a comprehensive one-day workshop tailored to provide participants with the essential tools and knowledge to optimize manufacturing capacity. Through a blend of theoretical understanding and practical application, attendees delve into key capacity metrics, identifying bottlenecks and constraints through hands-on activities and real-world case studies. Interactive exercises and group discussions facilitate the exploration of capacity improvement strategies, incorporating Lean manufacturing principles for heightened efficiency. By the workshop’s conclusion, participants craft personalized action plans to address capacity gaps within their manufacturing processes, ensuring readiness to propel future growth and productivity. Learn more about Capacity Analysis

Fundamentals of Inventory Mgmt.

Fundamentals of Inventory Mgmt.
Discover the essential principles and practices driving effective inventory management in our comprehensive two-day workshop on the “Fundamentals of Inventory Management.” Through a blend of theoretical discussions and practical exercises, participants will delve into the intricacies of SQDIP (Safety, Quality, Delivery, Inventory, and Productivity), understanding how each component influences inventory operations. Dive deep into inventory classification methods, such as ABC classification and Excess & Obsolete (E&O) inventory management, and learn to analyze delivery and material cause-and-effect diagrams to identify improvement opportunities. Explore inventory behavior patterns, including the sawtooth curve, and examine the impact of supply and demand variations on inventory levels. Gain valuable insights into replenishment methods like Plan for Every Part, Material Requirements Planning (MRP), and kanban systems, and understand how inventory integrates within the broader value stream map. By the workshop’s end, participants will emerge equipped with practical tools and knowledge to optimize inventory practices, drive operational efficiency, and foster continuous improvement within their organizations. Learn more about Fundamentals of Inventory Management


Getting control over and reducing costs by: improving labor efficiency, machine utilization, eliminating waste, controlling overhead costs, and reducing carrying costs.

Rapid Plant Analysis

Rapid Plant Analysis
The “Rapid Plant Analysis” process offers a comprehensive and efficient method for diagnosing manufacturing operations. Spanning five to ten days, our expert team conducts a thorough assessment of your plant’s operations, utilizing techniques like value stream mapping, data analysis, floor observations, and management reviews. Through this meticulous process, we pinpoint key areas for improvement, develop a roadmap for implementation, and quantify potential cost savings. Embracing lean principles and tools, our goal is to minimize costs, lead times, and inventory levels while enhancing customer service. Importantly, our collaborative approach prioritizes knowledge transfer, empowering your team to execute identified projects and sustain improvements long after the analysis concludes. With Rapid Plant Analysis, streamline your operations, enhance efficiency, and foster continuous improvement across your organization. Learn More About Rapid Plant Analysis

Footprint Rationalization

Footprint Rationalization
“Footprint rationalization” represents a strategic analysis approach custom-tailored for manufacturers aiming to optimize their global manufacturing footprint. This method meticulously scrutinizes every aspect of a manufacturer’s operational geography, identifying inefficiencies, redundancies, and unexplored opportunities. By examining manufacturing locations, shipping routes, and customer distribution, the goal of footprint rationalization is to streamline operations, improve cost-effectiveness, and elevate customer satisfaction. The duration of this approach varies based on the complexity of the client’s footprint, with the assessment process finely tuned to suit the unique needs and intricacies of each manufacturing landscape. Through a thorough evaluation and targeted recommendations, footprint rationalization empowers manufacturers to make well-informed decisions, driving efficiency, agility, and competitiveness in the global marketplace. Learn More About Total Productive Maintenance

Total Productive Maintenance

Total Productive Maintenance
“Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)” represents a comprehensive strategy aimed at maximizing Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), prolonging equipment lifespan, and bolstering productivity and quality. In this interactive 5-day workshop, participants delve deeply into TPM’s fundamental principles and practices, empowering them to actively participate in equipment maintenance and enhancement endeavors. Through a meticulously structured agenda, attendees explore critical concepts such as the pillars of TPM, OEE, and the 6 Big Losses, alongside autonomous and planned maintenance, and strategic critical parts inventory planning. The workshop underscores the significance of engaging all staff members in TPM initiatives, from operators to managers, fostering a culture of proactive equipment care and continual improvement. Upon workshop completion, participants will possess a robust grasp of TPM principles and will be equipped with actionable strategies to seamlessly integrate TPM into their organizations, ensuring enduring improvements in efficiency, safety, and product quality. Learn More About Total Productive Maintenance

Setup Reduction

Setup Reduction
The “Setup Reduction” Kaizen Workshop is a dynamic 5-day program designed to revolutionize your manufacturing setup processes, driving efficiency, agility, and competitiveness. Through a comprehensive agenda, participants will delve into the principles and practices of setup reduction, aiming to minimize downtime and maximize productivity. The workshop kicks off with an immersive training overview followed by hands-on simulations and gemba tours to identify current state observations and potential improvement opportunities. Over the next days, participants will prioritize waste reduction initiatives, implement layout and setup improvements, and develop standardized setup procedures. By the end of the workshop, attendees will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to streamline setup operations, reduce lead times, and enhance overall performance, ensuring sustained gains in cost, quality, and delivery metrics. Learn More About Setup Reduction

Creating Continuous Flow

Creating Continuous Flow
The “Creating Continuous Flow” workshop is a comprehensive 5-day program designed to transform your manufacturing operations into streamlined, efficient processes. Through a structured agenda, participants will embark on a journey to establish continuous flow, driving faster lead times, lower operational costs, and improved process flexibility. The workshop begins with an in-depth Lean overview, exploring waste reduction principles and simulation exercises to lay the foundation. Over the following days, attendees will dive into the intricacies of work distribution, layout optimization, and setup reduction, utilizing games and hands-on activities to reinforce learning. Topics such as connecting to the customer, regulating flow, and implementing Heijunka principles are also covered to ensure alignment with business objectives and customer demands. By the end of the workshop, participants will have developed a Lean Factory Conversion Roadmap, complete with benchmark scorecards, flow analysis charts, and value stream maps, enabling them to sustain and continuously improve their newly established continuous flow processes. Learn More About Creating Continuous Flow

Lean Transformation Boot Camp

Lean Transformation Boot Camp
The “Lean Transformation Boot Camp” is a comprehensive and immersive program designed to accelerate your organization’s journey towards lean manufacturing excellence. Over the course of five intensive days, participants will delve into the core principles of lean transformation and apply them directly to a designated work area. Through a structured agenda, attendees will learn to identify value, map value streams, create flow, establish pull systems, and embrace continuous improvement practices. Each day will be filled with interactive sessions, including hands-on exercises such as try-storming cellular designs and implementing standard work protocols. By the end of the boot camp, participants will not only have a deep understanding of lean principles but will also have tangible skills and strategies to drive meaningful change within their organizations. Learn More About Lean Transformation Boot Camp

Procurement Savings Boot Camp

Procurement Savings Boot Camp
The 3 day, hands-on “Procurement Savings Boot Camp” offers a strategic approach to unlocking cost savings, enhancing supplier relationships, and streamlining sourcing strategies. This intensive program utilizes a 6-step process to optimize procurement and sourcing, focusing on improving cost-efficiency and supplier collaboration. Participants will undergo thorough analysis, including supplier ABC analysis, commodity trends assessment, and supplier evaluation, to identify opportunities for savings and efficiency improvements. Unlike conventional sourcing events, this boot camp emphasizes a holistic approach that considers factors such as viability, quality, delivery, inventory, risk, and overall cost of ownership. By equipping participants with enhanced negotiation skills and actionable strategies, the boot camp empowers procurement teams to drive significant cost savings while maintaining strong supplier partnerships and mitigating risks. Through hands-on exercises and real-world case studies, attendees will develop a comprehensive understanding of procurement best practices and leave with practical tools to implement immediate improvements in their organizations. Learn More About Procurement Savings Boot Camp

Procurement Function Rapid Assessment

Procurement Function Rapid Assessment
Our Procurement Function Rapid Assessment is a targeted five-day service designed to transform your procurement team into a strategic business partner, optimizing operations to reduce costs and enhance supplier performance. Through a detailed agenda that includes task evaluations, tools and strategies reviews, and performance assessments, we offer a comprehensive analysis and actionable recommendations. This process involves in-person interviews, leveraging standardized methodologies against industry best practices to identify gaps in 8 functional categories, and providing a prioritized roadmap for improvement. The assessment culminates in a management report outlining a procurement project list and savings summary, offering a clear path to achieving best-in-class status and realizing significant organizational growth. Learn More About Procurement Function Rapid Assessment

Leadership System

The Leadership System integrates the most critical component in driving both Growth and Lean improvements: people. The three main aspects of the Leadership System are: Business, Culture, and Talent.


Establishing operating rhythm processes to deliver improved business performance, leading a mission-driven, Lean culture transformation across the company, and performing critical due diligence and acquisition integration processes.

Mission, Vision, Values Process

Mission, Vision, Values Process
The “Mission, Vision, Values Development Workshop”, is a 3-day hands-on event designed to guide organizations through the process of crafting compelling Mission, Vision, and Values (MVV) statements. Through a structured agenda, participants will engage in activities aimed at gathering stakeholder input, analyzing the organization’s current state and future aspirations, and articulating clear and inspiring MVV statements. Day 1 will focus on understanding the importance of MVV and gathering input from key stakeholders. Day 2 will delve into analyzing the organization’s purpose and aspirations, culminating in the crafting of concise and impactful mission and vision statements. Finally, Day 3 will be dedicated to defining the core values that will guide behavior and decision-making. By the end of the workshop, participants will have developed MVV statements that resonate with their organization’s culture and strategic direction. This workshop will provide a roadmap for organizations to articulate their identity, inspire stakeholders, and drive meaningful action toward achieving their goals.

Business Operating Rhythm

Business Operating Rhythm
The “Business Operating Rhythm Workshop”, is a comprehensive 2-day executive leadership event designed to establish and refine the annual operating rhythm of your organization while aligning it with strategic objectives. Through a series of interactive sessions, participants will gain insights into how Strategy Deployment and Daily Management contribute to achieving organizational goals. Day 1 will focus on understanding the components of the business operating rhythm, setting leadership expectations, and identifying top-level key performance indicators (KPIs). On Day 2, participants will collaborate to build their annual operating calendar, develop top-level Critical Value Drivers (CVDs), and create a rollout plan for deployment across different levels of the organization. By the end of the workshop, attendees will be equipped with a clear action plan to implement and sustain a high-performing culture that consistently delivers results.

Leading the Lean Transformation

Leading the Lean Transformation
“Leading the Lean Transformation” is a dynamic, 1.5-day workshop tailored for executives and key leaders seeking to instill a culture of continuous improvement within their organization. Through interactive sessions and group discussions, participants will delve into the fundamentals of Lean Culture, exploring topics such as performance culture, change management, and problem-solving principles. Day 1 will focus on understanding the essential enablers of culture, distinguishing between firefighting and problem-solving approaches, and assessing Lean principles and practices. Participants will engage in self-assessment exercises and group discussions to solidify their understanding. On Day 2, the workshop will delve into the components of a Lean Business System, the importance of cultural change, and the role of Lean leadership in driving sustainable business performance. By the end of the workshop, attendees will possess a high-level understanding of what constitutes a high-performing culture, the essence of Lean leadership, and how to implement and sustain a Lean transformation within their organization. Learn More About Leading the Lean Transformation

Due Diligence & Acquisition Integration

Due Diligence & Acquisition Integration
“Diligence and Acquisition Integration” is a pivotal process within our Lean Focus Business System, strategically designed to guide clients through the acquisition journey with precision and efficiency. Tailored to meet the unique needs of each client, this process encompasses meticulous due diligence procedures and seamless integration strategies to facilitate the successful acquisition and assimilation of companies into the client’s existing operations. Our team of experts collaborates closely with clients to conduct thorough assessments, identifying opportunities and risks associated with the acquisition target. Leveraging Lean principles, we streamline integration efforts, focusing on harmonizing processes, systems, and cultures to optimize operational synergies and maximize value creation. From initial assessment to post-acquisition integration, our diligent approach ensures a smooth transition and sets the foundation for sustainable growth and success in the acquired entity.

Breakthrough Kaizen Week

Breakthrough Kaizen Week
“Breakthrough Kaizen Week” epitomizes the pinnacle of organizational commitment to continuous improvement, spearheaded by the CEO or President of the company. This intensive, 5-day event brings together cross-functional teams to tackle the organization’s most pressing strategic imperatives with unwavering focus and hands-on problem-solving. With each team assigned a discrete business problem, participants engage in multi-kaizen events under the oversight of top leadership, ensuring alignment with organizational targets and priorities. Preparation is paramount, with clearly established business priorities and individual team leaders guiding preparatory efforts weeks or months in advance. Participation is mandatory, reflecting the critical nature of the challenges at hand. Throughout the week, teams deliver daily updates on their progress, culminating in final report-outs where breakthrough thinking, process focus, and tangible results are evaluated against set criteria. The event concludes with acknowledgments from the CEO, awards for top-performing teams, and insightful reflections from the Sensei, cementing a culture of continuous improvement and driving impactful change throughout the organization. Learn more about Breakthrough Kaizen Week

Lean Business System Assessment

Lean Business System Assessment
The “Lean Business System Assessment” offers a comprehensive evaluation aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of your organization’s Lean Business System (LBS) toolbox. Over two days, our expert team conducts on-site visits, combining Gemba observations, interviews with key leadership figures, and a thorough review of your LBS toolbox. We analyze the maturity of LBS tool adoption, assess behavioral impacts, and evaluate Lean competency across key sites and functions. Through this process, we identify strengths, opportunities, and areas for improvement, providing immediate feedback to site leadership and compiling observations for a site-by-site summary. Post-visit, we deliver actionable recommendations and a roadmap for breakthrough improvement, empowering your organization to optimize execution and performance while aligning with Lean best practices. With pre-visit surveys and access to your LBS toolbox, our assessment ensures a tailored approach to meet your specific needs, driving tangible results and sustainable growth. Learn More About Lean Business System Assessment


Developing the Icons, Lexicon, and Code that drives your organizational culture by building adoption through every level of the organization, and cultivating internal talent to drive continuous improvement.

Introduction to Lean Culture

Introduction to Lean Culture
The “Introduction to a Lean Culture” workshop is a comprehensive 4-hour session designed to provide participants with a foundational understanding of Lean principles and key tools. Throughout the workshop, attendees will gain insights into Lean philosophy, its core tools, and the importance of fostering a Lean culture within their organization. The agenda covers essential topics such as the 8 wastes, Kaizen methodology, and the mindset required for successful Lean implementation. Participants will delve into the fundamentals of running a Lean business, including leadership systems, strategy deployment, and daily management practices. Additionally, the workshop emphasizes the significance of culture in driving continuous improvement, exploring topics like cultural change, problem-solving culture, and the elements of a high-performance culture. By the end of the workshop, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and insights needed to kickstart their journey towards a Lean culture and drive sustainable improvement within their organization.

Engagement Process

Engagement Process
The “Engagement Process” workshop is a dynamic session aimed at empowering organizations to cultivate a culture of employee engagement and maximize workforce potential. Over the course of this comprehensive workshop, spanning 2 days, participants will delve into key topics essential for building an effective engagement process. Day one focuses on understanding the fundamentals of employee engagement, exploring topics such as the importance of engagement, factors influencing engagement levels, and best practices for fostering a culture of engagement. Participants will engage in interactive discussions and case studies to gain practical insights into effective engagement strategies. On day two, the workshop dives deeper into action planning and implementation, covering topics such as assessing current engagement levels, identifying areas for improvement, and developing tailored action plans to enhance engagement across the organization. Participants will walk away equipped with actionable strategies, tools, and frameworks to drive meaningful engagement, boost morale, and unleash the full potential of their workforce. Through a combination of interactive sessions, group activities, and real-world examples, this workshop provides a roadmap for organizations seeking to elevate their employee engagement practices and achieve sustainable business success.

CI Leader Boot Camp

CI Leader Boot Camp
The “Continuous Improvement (CI) Leader Boot Camp” is a rigorous 5-day program designed to equip participants with the skills, knowledge, and tools needed to effectively lead and facilitate continuous improvement initiatives within their organizations. Through a combination of interactive sessions, hands-on exercises, and real-world case studies, participants will gain a deep understanding of the principles and practices of continuous improvement, with a focus on kaizen events. Day one sets the foundation by introducing the concept of kaizen and the role of the CI leader in driving organizational improvement. Days two and three delve into the intricacies of kaizen event preparation, execution, and sustainment, providing participants with practical insights and best practices for maximizing the impact of their improvement efforts. Days four and five focus on reinforcing learning through live teach-backs, feedback sessions, and action planning, ensuring that participants are equipped with the skills and confidence to lead successful kaizen events and drive sustainable improvement across their organizations. By the end of the boot camp, participants will emerge as empowered leaders ready to drive targeted, sustainable improvement in quality, delivery, cost, and innovation, while effectively facilitating change and coaching others in continuous improvement methodologies. Learn More About Continuous Improvement (CI) Leader Boot Camp

Lean Foundation Bootcamp

Lean Foundation Bootcamp
The “Lean Foundation Boot Camp” is a dynamic 5-day workshop meticulously crafted to instill the fundamentals of lean principles and methodologies. Throughout the program, participants will delve into the core concepts of lean culture, guided by the renowned 14 Guiding Principles. Each day is dedicated to exploring essential aspects of lean, from strategy deployment and daily management to problem-solving systems and creating continuous flow. Through interactive sessions, real-world case studies, and gemba walks, participants will gain practical insights and hands-on experience in implementing lean practices. By the end of the boot camp, attendees will emerge equipped with the knowledge and tools to streamline business processes, shorten lead times, reduce costs, and enhance quality. With a focus on empowering employees and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, the Lean Foundation Boot Camp lays the groundwork for sustainable success in lean transformation. Learn More About Lean Foundation Boot Camp

Leadership System Boot Camp

Leadership System Boot Camp
The “Leadership System Boot Camp” is an immersive 4.5-day workshop designed to equip leaders with the essential skills and knowledge to drive organizational excellence. Over the course of the program, participants will engage in intensive hands-on sessions tailored to three key pillars of effective leadership: problem-solving, daily management, and strategy deployment. The first two days are dedicated to problem-solving, where participants will delve into various problem-solving methodologies and practice applying them to real-world challenges. Following this, a full day is devoted to mastering the intricacies of daily management, exploring strategies for driving continuous improvement and operational excellence on a daily basis. The final 1.5 days focus on strategy deployment, equipping leaders with the tools and techniques to align organizational goals, communicate strategic priorities, and drive execution across all levels of the organization. Through a blend of interactive exercises, case studies, and group discussions, participants will emerge from the Leadership System Boot Camp with the skills, confidence, and vision to lead their teams to new heights of success.

LBS Train-the-Trainer Process

LBS Train-the-Trainer Process
The “Lean Focus Business System (LBS) Train-the-Trainer Process” is a comprehensive program designed to enhance the proficiency of employees and (CI) Leaders in driving change within your organization. By adopting well-proven methods and strategies, this process establishes consistency and maximizes the impact of training sessions on your employees and results. The process follows a structured approach, beginning with Trainer Preparation, where objectives are aligned and facilitation methods are reviewed. This is followed by conducting events, where participants engage in pre-work and develop essential skills for leading Kaizen events. The program also includes observation and support of Kaizen events, allowing participants to learn from Lean Focus experts and independent study of Kaizen topics. Additionally, participants lead Kaizen events with coaching, receiving feedback and guidance to strengthen their skills throughout the process. Structured feedback from Lean Focus ensures continuous improvement, with detailed scorecards highlighting strengths and opportunities for growth. Unlock the full potential of your organization’s Kaizen Facilitation with this transformative program, building a self-sustaining culture of improvement that propels your organization forward. Learn More About Lean Focus Business System (LBS) Train-the-Trainer Process

Lean Transformation Jumpstart Program

Lean Transformation Jumpstart
The “Lean Transformation JumpStart Program” is a comprehensive and structured approach designed to kickstart your organization’s lean transformation journey. Over a span of 9-12 months, this program guides leadership through the development of a roadmap for Lean Business System implementation, delivering visible impact through the conversion of Lighthouse Sites to lean principles. The program begins with a thorough preparation week, setting expectations and laying the groundwork for subsequent activities. Key components include executive champion orientation, lean assessment, strategy deployment workshops, and foundational boot camps covering lean principles, problem-solving, value stream mapping, and daily management. The program also includes focused weeks on order-to-cash value stream mapping, A3 problem-solving workshops, and dedicated kaizen events to address specific challenges identified during the process. Sustainment weeks ensure ongoing support and coaching, while the program culminates in the development of a comprehensive lean transformation roadmap for future phases. Through this program, organizations can achieve cultural transformation, establish sustainable lean practices, and deliver tangible results across all levels. Learn More About Lean Transformation JumpStart Program


Addressing strategy behind your recruiting, onboarding of new talent, managing the performance of existing talent, building the right organizational structure, and designing the next bench of players through Talent & Succession Planning.

Talent Management Process

Talent Management Process
The “Talent Management Process” workshop is a comprehensive, hands-on program designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively manage talent within their organizations. Spanning two days, this workshop delves into key aspects of talent management, including recruitment, development, retention, and succession planning. Through interactive sessions, case studies, and group activities, participants will gain a deep understanding of best practices in talent acquisition, performance evaluation, and career development. They will also learn how to identify high-potential employees, create personalized development plans, and foster a culture of continuous learning and growth. By the end of the workshop, participants will have developed a talent management strategy tailored to their organization’s needs and objectives. Additionally, they will leave with actionable insights and tools to implement their talent management process effectively.

Organizational Readiness Process

Organizational Readiness Process
The “Organization Readiness Process” is a customized project tailored to each client’s unique needs and objectives. It serves as a critical link between strategy and execution, ensuring that organizations are equipped with the necessary structure, talent, and engagement to successfully deliver their strategic goals. Through a comprehensive assessment of organizational structure and governance, workforce competencies, and talent alignment, this process addresses key questions such as whether the current structure supports the strategy, if the workforce possesses the required competencies, and if the organization is fully engaged in executing the strategy. Workshop deliverables include detailed analyses of current and future state organizational charts, gap assessments on talent and competencies, and actionable plans to close any identified gaps. By the end of the process, clients will have a clear roadmap for optimizing their organizational readiness and achieving their strategic objectives. Learn More About Organization Readiness Process

Performance Management Process

Performance Management Process
The “Performance Management Process” workshop is designed to equip organizations with the tools and strategies needed to optimize performance and drive continuous improvement while fostering personal development. Over the course of three days, participants will delve into the fundamentals of performance management within a lean culture, focusing on establishing clear performance metrics, setting meaningful goals, and fostering a culture of accountability and continuous feedback. Day one will cover the basics of performance management, including the importance of aligning individual and team goals with organizational objectives. Day two will dive deeper into performance metrics and data-driven decision-making, emphasizing the use of key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor progress and identify areas for improvement. On the final day, participants will learn effective techniques for providing feedback, coaching, and recognizing performance, as well as developing personalized development plans to align individual aspirations with organizational goals. By the end of the workshop, participants will walk away with a comprehensive understanding of performance management best practices, a roadmap for implementing these practices within their organization, and actionable personal development plans for continuous growth and improvement. Key deliverables will include a performance management framework, KPI dashboards, and individualized development plans tailored to each participant’s goals and aspirations.

Leadership Development Process

Leadership Development Process
The “Leadership Development Process” is a dynamic three-day workshop designed to cultivate effective leadership within a lean culture. Participants embark on a journey through key stages of leadership development, starting with foundational principles on day one, where they learn to lead by example and foster continuous improvement. Day two immerses participants in communication techniques, coaching strategies, and team empowerment tactics essential for effective leadership. On the final day, the focus shifts to strategic thinking, decision-making, and change management, providing participants with the tools to navigate complexities and lead with agility. Throughout the workshop, participants craft personalized leadership development plans, ensuring sustained growth and impact beyond the program. By embracing the principles and models of leadership development as a process, participants emerge as empowered leaders ready to drive meaningful change and inspire their teams to excellence within a lean environment.

Reward & Recognition Process

Reward & Recognition Process
The “Reward & Recognition Process” workshop spans two intensive days, focusing on fostering a culture of appreciation and motivation within the organization. Day one delves into the foundational principles of reward and recognition, exploring the psychological aspects of motivation and the importance of aligning recognition with organizational goals. Participants engage in interactive sessions to understand the impact of recognition on employee morale and productivity. On day two, the workshop shifts to practical implementation, guiding participants through the development of tailored reward and recognition programs aligned with lean principles. Deliverables include a comprehensive toolkit comprising best practices, templates for recognition programs, and guidelines for effective implementation. Through a combination of theoretical learning and hands-on activities, participants emerge equipped with the knowledge and tools to design and implement impactful reward and recognition initiatives that drive employee engagement and organizational success within a lean culture.

Foundation System

The most critical component to building a Lean Focus Business System™ is to have key foundational tools understood, accepted, and integrated into the business. The foundational tools we use include: 8 Wastes & 3Ms, Value Stream Mapping, Kaizen Event Process, 6S & Visual Management, Problem Solving Process, Standard Work & Leader Standard Work, Transactional Process Improvement, Daily Management, and Visual Project Management.

Voice of Customer

Voice of Customer
A transformative three-day boot camp where you’ll unlock the power of Voice of Customer (VOC). Dive deep into immersive training sessions designed to equip you with hands-on VOC techniques for gathering invaluable insights directly from end customers. Through real-world case studies and practical applications, you’ll learn to understand customer value and design effective approaches that drive business success. Whether you’re focused on commercial strategies or operational processes, VOC will help you pinpoint areas for improvement and guide targeted actions to enhance satisfaction and meet key business objectives. Don’t miss this opportunity to revolutionize your approach to delivering exceptional products and services. Learn More About Voice of Customer (VOC)

8 Wastes & 3Ms

8 Wastes & 3Ms
Immerse yourself in a meticulously crafted one-day Kaizen Workshop focused on the 8 Wastes & 3Ms, meticulously designed to introduce Lean Principles, the 8 Wastes (DOWNTIME), and the 3Ms in a structured and collaborative environment. This immersive experience blends theoretical insights with hands-on activities, providing participants with invaluable knowledge and practical skills crucial for waste reduction in manufacturing contexts. Prepare to delve into real-world applications and emerge equipped with the expertise to drive tangible improvements in operational efficiency. Learn More About 8 Wastes & 3Ms

Value Stream Mapping

Value Stream Mapping
Embark on a dynamic and immersive 5-day journey of transformation, meticulously designed to ignite interactive engagement and foster cross-functional collaboration and alignment. Dive deep into the intricate flow of materials and information within your value stream through comprehensive analysis and thoughtful design. Uncover inefficiencies and unearth areas for improvement as you quantify both value-adding and non-value-adding activities. Our goal? To streamline processes, slash lead and cycle times, and elevate overall quality and productivity. With a strong emphasis on prioritization, participants will identify and rank the most impactful actions necessary to drive continuous improvement. This transformative experience transcends industries, offering invaluable insights applicable across processes characterized by repeatable steps and multiple handoffs. Learn More About Value Stream Mapping

Kaizen Event Process

Kaizen Event Process
Our one-day “Kaizen Event Process Workshop,” is meticulously crafted to immerse participants in the core principles and objectives of Kaizen events. Engage in dynamic sessions where attendees will delve deep into the essence of continuous improvement, exploring its historical roots and underlying philosophy. Led by seasoned facilitators, the workshop unravels the intricacies of planning and executing successful Kaizen events, with a keen emphasis on problem-solving techniques and fostering effective team dynamics. Through immersive hands-on exercises, participants will gain invaluable practical experience in event planning, ensuring they depart armed with the skills to drive impactful changes, optimize processes, and nurture a culture of continuous improvement within their organizations. Learn more about Kaizen Event Process Workshop

6S & Visual Management

6S & Visual Management
“6S & Visual Management” Kaizen Workshop, is a collaborative team-based event spanning 3 to 5 days, meticulously designed to revolutionize workspaces. By seamlessly integrating 6S principles and Visual Management techniques, this immersive workshop empowers organizations to foster organized, efficient, and visually intuitive work environments. The outcome? Heightened productivity and elevated employee engagement as teams navigate seamlessly through streamlined and visually optimized spaces, driving tangible improvements in workflow efficiency and operational effectiveness. Learn more about 6S & Visual Management

Problem-Solving System

Problem-Solving System
A transformative 2-day “Problem-Solving System” workshop aimed at sharpening your skills in identifying and addressing areas for improvement. Through an immersive blend of theory and hands-on application, you’ll learn to define problems, conduct root cause analysis, and implement effective countermeasures. Each day is packed with practical exercises and real-life case studies, guiding you from understanding the current state to sustaining results. By the workshop’s end, you’ll emerge equipped to navigate challenges at all organizational levels, from daily operations to long-term strategic objectives. Learn More About Problem-Solving System

Standard Work / Leader Standard Work

Standard Work / Leader Standard Work
Join our transformative Standard Work Kaizen Workshop, a dynamic five-day program designed to optimize processes and boost efficiency in your organization. Through hands-on activities and lean simulations, participants learn to transition from batch to flow production, prioritize waste reduction opportunities, and develop streamlined layouts. With a focus on implementing improvement ideas and documenting standard work, participants leave equipped to drive sustainable change and deliver impactful results. Don’t miss this opportunity to revolutionize your processes and achieve lasting success. Learn more about Standard Work Kaizen Workshop

Transactional Process Improvement (TPI)

Transactional Process Improvement (TPI)
Experience the transformative power of our “Transactional Process Improvement (TPI)” Kaizen Workshop, where traditional LEAN methodologies are tailored for non-manufacturing departments. Across 3 to 5 immersive days, participants embark on a journey of process mapping, waste identification, and improvement implementation to elevate quality and efficiency. From crafting current and future state process maps to brainstorming and testing countermeasures at the Gemba, this workshop fosters a culture of continuous improvement. Don’t pass up this opportunity to revolutionize your transactional / administrative processes and achieve tangible results. Learn more about Transactional Process Improvement (TPI)

Daily Management

Daily Management
An immersive “Daily Management” workshop is designed to revolutionize how your team operates. Over five days, participants will immerse themselves in a visual, metrics-driven, and collaborative problem-solving process that prioritizes key performance metrics to achieve breakthrough results consistently. With a focus on improving processes rather than blaming individuals, participants will act as owners, driving problem resolution as a team. This system holds team members accountable and is ideal for any department, across various industries, that relies on processes, people, and metrics. Through a combination of classroom training, simulation, and Gemba installations, participants will learn to map processes, establish daily accountability structures, and incorporate problem-solving techniques into their daily routines. Learn more about Daily Management

Visual Project Management

Visual Project Management
Introducing “Visual Project Management”, a revolutionary approach to consistently delivering projects on time and to specification. By seamlessly integrating visually-rich formats with traditional accountability and structured problem-solving, this method ensures alignment among team members and stakeholders alike. With instant visibility into project progress and the adoption of structured problem-solving techniques, teams can swiftly identify and address any obstacles, guaranteeing timely project completion. Empowering self-directed teams to drive problem-solving and fostering high transparency in reviews, Visual Project Management revolutionizes project delivery. Join us for an immersive workshop spanning 3 to 5 days, where you’ll master event kickoff, visual planning, risk management, and effective project reporting. Don’t miss this opportunity to revolutionize your project management approach and achieve unparalleled success. Learn more about Visual Project Management

Kaizen Mindset

Kaizen Mindset
The guiding principle of the “kaizen mindset” embodies the philosophy of continuous improvement and the belief that small, incremental changes can lead to significant advancements over time. Rooted in the Japanese concept of “kaizen,” meaning “change for better,” this principle emphasizes a culture of constant learning, adaptation, and innovation at all levels of an organization. It encourages individuals to adopt a proactive approach to problem-solving, seeking out opportunities for improvement in every aspect of their work. By fostering a mindset of curiosity, experimentation, and collaboration, the kaizen mindset promotes a culture of resilience and agility, where challenges are viewed as opportunities for growth and learning. Through ongoing reflection, iteration, and refinement, organizations can cultivate a kaizen mindset that drives continuous improvement, fosters innovation, and ultimately leads to sustained success in a rapidly changing world.

Continuous Flow

Continuous Flow
“Continuous flow” is a guiding principle that emphasizes the uninterrupted movement of work through a process, aiming to minimize delays, bottlenecks, and waste. Rooted in the Lean philosophy, continuous flow encourages the smooth and steady progression of tasks, allowing for efficient utilization of resources and swift delivery of value to customers. By maintaining a consistent flow of work, organizations can enhance productivity, reduce lead times, and improve overall quality. This principle promotes a mindset of optimization and agility, fostering a culture of continuous improvement where teams strive to eliminate barriers and streamline processes for sustained success.

Create Pull

Create Pull
“Create pull” is a guiding principle that revolves around aligning production and delivery with actual customer demand rather than pushing products through the system based on forecasts or schedules. In essence, it involves responding directly to customer needs by producing only what is needed, when it’s needed, and in the quantity needed. By adopting a pull-based system, organizations can minimize inventory, reduce waste, and improve overall efficiency. This principle encourages a customer-centric approach where value is driven by actual demand rather than speculation. Through close collaboration between different parts of the organization and a focus on flexibility and responsiveness, creating pull enables companies to optimize resources, shorten lead times, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Level the Work

Level the Work
The guiding principle of “level the work” emphasizes the importance of balancing and distributing workload across teams or processes to achieve optimal efficiency and effectiveness. Rooted in Lean methodology, this principle aims to eliminate fluctuations and unevenness in workloads, ensuring a steady and consistent flow of tasks. By leveling the work, organizations can minimize overburdening of resources, prevent bottlenecks, and reduce lead times. This principle promotes a culture of fairness and collaboration, where teams work together to support each other and maintain a sustainable pace of work. By aligning workloads with available capacity and skillsets, organizations can optimize resource utilization, improve productivity, and enhance overall performance. Through continuous monitoring and adjustment, the principle of leveling the work enables organizations to adapt to changing demands and maintain stability in their operations.

Stop & Fix

Stop & Fix
The guiding principle of “stop and fix” emphasizes the proactive approach of promptly addressing issues and problems as they arise, rather than allowing them to escalate or persist. It advocates for creating a culture where employees are empowered to halt operations when they encounter issues, focusing on resolving the root cause to prevent recurrence. By encouraging a mindset of continuous improvement and problem-solving, this principle fosters a culture of accountability, transparency, and agility within the organization. “Stop and fix” promotes the idea that taking the time to address problems immediately not only prevents further disruptions but also leads to long-term efficiency gains and improved quality. By prioritizing quick resolution and learning from mistakes, organizations can foster a culture of resilience, innovation, and excellence, driving continuous improvement and sustainable success.

Standardize Work

Standardize Work
The guiding principle of “standardize work” emphasizes the importance of establishing clear, consistent, and documented processes and procedures within an organization. It advocates for identifying best practices and creating standardized workflows to ensure efficiency, quality, and reliability in operations. By standardizing work, organizations can minimize variation, reduce errors, and improve overall performance. This principle promotes a culture of accountability and continuous improvement, where employees are empowered to follow established standards and contribute to refining them over time. Standardized work provides a foundation for training, problem-solving, and performance measurement, enabling teams to work more effectively and collaboratively towards common goals. Through adherence to standardized processes, organizations can achieve greater consistency, predictability, and success in their operations, ultimately driving higher levels of customer satisfaction and organizational excellence.

Visualize Problems

Visualize Problems
The guiding principle of “visualize problems” underscores the importance of making problems and challenges visible within an organization. It advocates for using visual tools such as charts, graphs, and dashboards to clearly depict areas of concern and identify opportunities for improvement. By visualizing problems, teams can gain a deeper understanding of root causes, patterns, and trends, enabling more effective problem-solving and decision-making. This principle promotes transparency, accountability, and collaboration, as it encourages open communication and shared understanding of issues across all levels of the organization. By making problems visible, teams can prioritize their efforts, allocate resources more effectively, and drive meaningful change to address underlying issues. Through visual problem-solving, organizations can foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation, driving towards higher levels of performance and success.

Mind vs. Wallet

Mind vs. Wallet
The guiding principle of “mind vs. wallet” advocates for a mindset that prioritizes frugality and resourcefulness over lavish spending on large-scale projects. Inspired by the approach of startup founders, this principle encourages individuals and organizations to adopt a lean and agile mindset, carefully considering the most effective and efficient use of resources before committing to significant investments. By embracing a “mindful spending” approach, organizations can avoid unnecessary expenses and instead focus on maximizing value with minimal resources. This principle promotes a culture of creativity, innovation, and responsible stewardship, where prudent decision-making and strategic allocation of funds lead to sustainable growth and success. By balancing financial prudence with strategic vision, organizations can achieve impactful outcomes while conserving valuable resources for future opportunities.

Leaders Teach

Leaders Teach
The guiding principle of “leaders teach” underscores the critical role of leadership in fostering a culture of learning, growth, and development within an organization. It emphasizes that leaders have a responsibility not only to set direction and make decisions but also to mentor, coach, and empower their teams. By actively sharing knowledge, skills, and insights, leaders can inspire and motivate their employees to reach their full potential and contribute meaningfully to the organization’s success. This principle encourages leaders to lead by example, demonstrating a commitment to continuous learning and improvement, and to create an environment where questions are welcomed, feedback is valued, and mistakes are viewed as opportunities for growth. Through effective teaching and mentorship, leaders can build a strong and resilient workforce, drive innovation, and foster a culture of excellence and collaboration.

Develop People

Develop People
The guiding principle of “develop people” emphasizes the critical importance of investing in and nurturing the capabilities and potential of individuals within an organization. It recognizes that the success and sustainability of any enterprise are deeply intertwined with the growth and development of its workforce. By prioritizing the continuous learning, skill-building, and empowerment of employees at all levels, organizations can foster a culture of innovation, adaptability, and high performance. This principle encourages providing opportunities for training, mentorship, and career advancement, as well as creating an environment that values diversity, inclusion, and collaboration. By developing people, organizations not only enhance individual capabilities but also cultivate a motivated and engaged workforce that drives organizational success and resilience in an ever-evolving business landscape.

Respect Others

Respect Others
The guiding principle of “respect others” underscores the fundamental importance of treating all individuals with dignity, empathy, and consideration. It emphasizes fostering an environment where diversity, inclusivity, and mutual understanding are valued and celebrated. This principle encourages individuals and organizations to recognize the inherent worth and unique perspectives of each person, regardless of background, position, or beliefs. By practicing respect towards others, organizations can cultivate a culture of trust, collaboration, and innovation, where everyone feels valued, heard, and empowered to contribute their best. This principle promotes open communication, active listening, and constructive feedback, fostering strong relationships and fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie within the workplace. Through mutual respect, organizations can harness the collective potential of their teams and create a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone can thrive.

Go See Yourself

Go See Yourself
The guiding principle of “go see yourself” emphasizes the importance of firsthand observation and direct engagement with the realities of a situation or process. Originating from the Lean philosophy, this principle encourages leaders and decision-makers to actively immerse themselves in the actual workplace environment rather than relying solely on reports or hearsay. By physically witnessing operations, interactions, and challenges firsthand, individuals can gain deeper insights, identify root causes of issues, and better understand the needs and perspectives of employees and customers. This principle promotes a culture of transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement, where decisions are informed by real-world observations and data rather than assumptions or interpretations. By going to see for oneself, organizations can foster better communication, build trust, and drive more effective problem-solving and decision-making processes.

Eliminate Waste

Eliminate Waste
The guiding principle of “eliminate waste” underscores the importance of systematically identifying and removing inefficiencies, redundancies, and non-value-added activities within processes and systems. Rooted in the Lean philosophy, this principle advocates for the relentless pursuit of streamlining operations to optimize resources and maximize value creation. By minimizing waste across all aspects of the organization, including time, materials, and human effort, businesses can enhance productivity, reduce costs, and improve overall quality. This principle encourages a mindset of continuous improvement and empowers employees at all levels to proactively identify and address waste in their workflows. By eliminating waste, organizations can streamline processes, increase agility, and ultimately deliver greater value to customers while fostering a culture of efficiency and innovation.

High Expectations

High Expectations
The guiding principle of “high expectations” centers on setting ambitious goals, challenging the status quo, and continuously striving for excellence. It encourages individuals and organizations to raise the bar, push boundaries, and pursue lofty aspirations. By setting high expectations for performance, quality, and innovation, this principle fosters a culture of continuous improvement, creativity, and growth. It inspires individuals to stretch their capabilities, embrace new challenges, and exceed their own limitations. Through clear communication of expectations, effective support, and recognition of achievements, organizations can cultivate a sense of accountability, motivation, and commitment among their teams. By maintaining high expectations, organizations can drive breakthrough results, foster innovation, and ultimately achieve sustainable success in a competitive landscape.